
Responses from spiritofmusic

My new Soundsmith Straingauge cartridge
Proftournesol, I agree with you re timbre. Which is why it's so perplexing that so many find voices unnatural thru the cart.Re the battery psu, it has transformed the cart. Has in particular opened up the top end to demonstrate a really shimmering... 
Review: Soundsmith SG-410 Strain Gauge Cartridge Cartridge
Vac_man, I've been running the SG200 for a good 6 months now, and it never fails to amaze. Have decided to stick with the '5' stylus, the '6' just looks too much trouble.I've taken it's performance to a whole new level by scrapping the 24v dc wall... 
Wyetech Labs Ruby Std preamp - any views?
Pavpet, your comments are interesting, but a little too brief for me to get a clear picture. Can you set aside a fuller description as to how the Ruby Std beats the Hovland HP200. Esp in terms of transparency/soundstage, bass extension, treble air... 
Wyetech Labs Ruby Std preamp - any views?
+1. Love my Hovland, but interested in your impressions. 
Wyetech Labs Ruby Std preamp - any views?
Don't I know it. 8 years on since I bought my Hovland HP200 tube pre and Radia SS power amp, it still rankles with me that this fantastic company, with brilliantly engineered products, and a design aesthetic years ahead of the competition, went to... 
Wyetech Labs Ruby Std preamp - any views?
Sure Charles. That's why I was so surprised to hear Pavpet dismiss it so comprehensively. I may take a punt on a home trial. But the Hov pushes so many of the right buttons for me, this is not the priority it might have been in the past.What do yo... 
Wyetech Labs Ruby Std preamp - any views?
Interesting Charles. Are you at all familiar with the Hovland HP200, my current pre? I think it does tick the right boxes, providing a good balance btwn natural tone/warmth, and so called transparency/accuracy.My move to SETs has been really instr... 
Wyetech Labs Ruby Std preamp - any views?
F1a,that sounds like the ideal balance of attributes. I'm actually pretty happy with my Hovland HP200 tube pre, but with a change in the balance of my system with 8kVA balanced power and grounding changes, there may be a bit of accusation of leane... 
Wyetech Labs Ruby Std preamp - any views?
F1a, you state the Ruby is transparent, but on the warm side of neutral. I've actually found v.few components to be warm AND neutral, often these conflict, can you describe the sound a little further to illustrate how it pulls off what can be conf... 
My new Soundsmith Straingauge cartridge
Harold, I'm going to get you to write my biography. You'll help me go down in the annals as a very important man, ha ha!The setup sure sounds different from any analog or digital I've heard before, actually a little closer to 15ips tape that I've ... 
My new Soundsmith Straingauge cartridge
Hi Harold, I wouldn't presume it's one of the best, but it certainly outperforms a lot of pricier rigs out there IMHO.Just installed a Red Wine Audio Black Lightning twin battery psu for the Straingauge. Maintaining all the attributes currently, w... 
Trans Fi Salvation direct rim drive turntable
Installed a Red Wine Audio Black Lightning twin battery psu for the Straingauge SG200 cart. Maintaining all the attributes of my current rig, now with an almost-zero noise floor. Killer! 
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
+2. Dentdog, so glad my comments amongst others swung it for you. After, 6 years of being in the Zu fold, the Def4s have "sealed the deal". They're just amazing for the package and price to performance ratio.Once you "get" the Zu tone, there's no ... 
Linear tracking tonearms.....
Tms, I know you're busy with your move, but when things settle down, can you please post your thoughts on the magnetic bearing for the Salvation on my dedicated thread "Trans Fi Audio Salvation Direct Rim Drive Turntable". The thread has gone quie... 
Linear tracking tonearms.....
I only live 70 miles from Vic, so I'll get the upgrade done at his place. Good to hear it's initially positive.Amazing, Salvation tt/Terminator are the greatest bang for buck in analog/audio. And now, even more so.