Responses from soix
Organic, musical and natural sounding speakers up to $12K +1 ProAc, and I'll add Nola KO. | |
I feel bad for speaker manufacturers @prof -- totally agree with your assessment. But there are two sides to this coin. If you've taken an economics course you're aware of the term "luxury goods." These items, like jewelry or paintings, derive their value because they're desired,... | |
I feel bad for speaker manufacturers As for the OP's comment about wires being "tires on the car", I could not disagree more. The speakers are ultimately where the rubber meets the road and the minuscule changes brought about by cables are often negated by them.@jnorris2005 -- Actua... | |
Doing the Power Cord Thing The male connector was tight, and the female slid in as if oiled. Dude, that's just wrong! Heh heh. Be interesting to hear your thoughts after more break in and comparison to another PC. BTW, what PCs were you using before?Heres another thought... | |
Need Help @viridian -- Stop it! The speaker world does not start and end with Klipsch. There's ATC, PMC, and many others that are well worth searching out. | |
Need Help Ah. Got it. Sorry man, that’s not easy. However, the more info you give us here, the better info you'll get back. But, the good news is you have a whole community here willing to help. And I the end, you WILL succeed. But, and this is crucial, wh... | |
Pulsars and the Mythical Armchair Speaker Maker @wwoodrum -- No. He probably thinks they sound better than Pulsars. And that's ok, as long as he stops posting. | |
The Six review on the Mhdt Labs Orchid DAC just went up @cheche9 -- I recently got a tip from Emprical Audio that you should always run a balanced digital cable and use an SPDIF adapter if you’re not going balanced. According to him, and I haven't verified this but he knows what he's doing, digital cab... | |
Need Help Sounds like you went to Magnolia at Best Buy? Branch out if you can and go to some boutique shops that carry more specialty brands. I'm not personally a B&W fan, but their latest offerings seem to have made some meaningful improvements, espe... | |
Pulsars and the Mythical Armchair Speaker Maker Ha! Big +1 to Eric, and another +1 for starting this thread, which is doing a great service in exposing the wackos in this awesome hobby and also uncovering how ridiculously hard it is to actually develop and successfully market a speaker in today... | |
Pulsars and the Mythical Armchair Speaker Maker Repeat from my prior post..."after all, it’s not easy banging your bleeding heart against some mad bugger’s wall"- Pink Floyd | |
Pulsars and the Mythical Armchair Speaker Maker Yeah, you’re right. From your completely uninformed and ignorant reading of a simple graph, you obviously have nailed it. You can now build your own Pulsar on the cheap. Oh, but then there’s this: From Jeff Joseph as of today:“The filters we us... | |
Pulsars and the Mythical Armchair Speaker Maker It may look like it, but it's not. | |
Pulsars and the Mythical Armchair Speaker Maker @kenjit -- Ascend Acoustics sells direct, not through a dealer network. @wildfoxinn -- I don’t even see a model like that on the Ascend Acoustics website, so not sure what speaker your referring to. But anyway, there absolutely is some voodoo magi... | |
Need Help Agree with others above about going out and listening to as many different speakers as you can, and absolutely bring a variety your own music you like to listen to. The more speakers you listen to, the more you'll start to zero in on the things t... |