
Responses from soix

adding a DAC/Streamer or what
What sound qualities are you looking for and are most important to you? 
Will 12 inch subwoofer be enough for an 18x20 room (with 10 ft cielings)
Blast that room dictator! Who does he think he is to tell you what you can and cannot do?Yeah, he’s a bad dude just like his evil brother the cabinet dictator.  Really hate that guy too.  Lest we not forget the mother of them all — the wife dictat... 
Pass Labs XA30.8
If you’re open to tubes I’d take a look at ARC amps.  Over on eBay there’s another great Class-A option in the Valvet A4 at $3995, which seems like a good deal and would likely also deliver the qualities you’re looking for.  Best of luck.  
External EQ/other solution?
Pulling speakers further out into the room will likely help if that’s a possibility, and it’s free!  Failing that, you could also try bass traps in the corners.  GIK gets good reviews here and their products seem relatively reasonably priced — a p... 
Will 12 inch subwoofer be enough for an 18x20 room (with 10 ft cielings)
I have an SVS SB2000 (sealed box) that has a 12” driver and goes down to 19Hz within 3dB.  I have a similarly-sized room that opens to two medium-sized rooms, and with the right movie the floors literally shake so I doubt you’d have a problem with... 
What xlr cable to choose
What type of sound characteristics are you looking for? 
Your system quality vs. recording quality
I’d rather have my system reveal as much as good recordings have to offer rather than try to polish the turds out there.  For the turds, I pretty much enjoy them on my Amazon Echo or similar device deserving of such quality.  
Used Speaker in the 15k range
So, what sound characteristics are you looking for and what’s most important to you? 
Used Speaker in the 15k range
Really depends on what sound characteristics you’re looking for.  
adding a DAC/Streamer or what
+1 @fuzztone — keep DAC and streamer separate if for no other reason than it opens up tons more options on DACs you can choose from to best suit your particular tastes. I would, however, strongly consider a streamer/server that allows you to rip C... 
Which integrated amplifier .
First and foremost I’m so sorry to hear of your situation — it truly makes my heart break. Over the years through personal experience I’ve become very disappointed with doctors’ general ability to make a correct diagnosis and/or identify the best ... 
Question regarding subwoofers
Below 80 you can’t tell where the sub is, you can only tell there’s more bass. Where the bass is coming from, your main speakers provide those location cues. Also since you can’t localize there is no L and no R.”Totally agree, but one thing I’ve n... 
Vandersteen 3A Sig vs Harbeth vs Spatial OB
I’d strongly consider the LSA-20 Signatures being offered here by the manufacturer for $2500, and they offer a 30-day trial period that is obviously very helpful.  Read the reviews, but I think these would give you everything you’re looking for an... 
Speaker cables for Sonus Faber Olympica II
Call me crazy, but I’d think very fine $10,000/pr speakers can justify a bit more than $500 cables, especially if you’re running shotgun bi-wire cables, no?  There’s a 12ft. shotgun pair of Acoustic Zen Satori cables on eBay for $650 that should d... 
Denon AVR X3700 vs Marantz SR5015
Worked for Magnolia for a bit and got to compare all their AVRs using B&W 804 D3s. If you’re looking for neutral and the most transparent sound I’d recommend Yamaha, and if you find your speakers a little bright or would like to add some tonal...