
Responses from soix

Upgrade to floor standing.
Klipsch is probably a good bet.  
Walk me thru this please...
Instead of the Zenith get a Zen and a good DAC, keep the Oppo for movie night and it’s all big upside.  
Confused as to where to go next...looking for warmth
Yeah, that AVR needs to be extricated from the loop for good 2-channel performance.  I’m familiar with your Totems and have had the Liberty amp in my system (excellent amp BTW) so pretty sure I know what you’re talking about. The technical term is... 
Amp for B&W 805 D3
I mainly like the warm and detailed sound.This makes me wonder why you’re considering the 805 D3?  There are many other excellent options that would seem to better cater to your tastes.  
Amps for Focal Maestros
There’s a Clayton S2000 available on US Audio Mart.  Wonderful, sweet, full-sounding Class A, and with 600Wpc into 4Ohms I don’t think you’ll need to worry about power.  Best of luck in your search.  
Help with DAC and Streamer suggestions
+1 @jjss49 
Amps for Focal Maestros
Budget?  BTW, what pre are you using? 
What is missing here?
If I really want to know what a component sounds like, I don’t read the TAS review.  They rarely bother to compare the item under review to another comparable product (too much work and accountability in that), and in many cases they don’t even li... 
Amp for B&W 805 D3
What sound characteristics do you value most? 
Integrated amp for Focal Sopra 2
There’s a Vitus RI-100 here for $5850 ($13,000 new) so well within your budget.  Just buy it, take your ball and go home.  
now that you're working from home...
Of the ones you listed I’d go for the Dyns that tend to have a very refined and non-aggressive sound.That said, given your tastes I’d find a way to shoehorn in a Schiit Aegir Class A amp (only about the size of a brick) and a pair of Silverline Mi... 
Integrated amp for Focal Sopra 2
What’s your budget?  New or used? 
Integrated amp for Focal Sopra 2
What aspects of sound reproduction do you value most? What amp are you using now, and what specifically would you like to improve upon?  The usefulness of any suggestions you get here will be directly proportional to the amount and quality of info... 
How to select and pair a preamp and power amp?
What do you value most in 2-channel performance, what integrated are you using now, and what would you most like to improve upon?  Can’t really make a good recommendation without this basic info.  You need an amp that can adequately drive your spe... 
Anticipating next upgrade after B&W 803 D3?
My system has the b&w’s, McIntosh 5 channel amp biwired and a bluesound node 2i and a marantz 5014 avr used as a preamp. i am now seriously exploring the Chord Qutest dac and maybe the m scalerSpeakers? Dude! Your first priority should be a ve...