
Responses from soix

My Mark Levinson preamp dying - looking for new preamp, sound as good, wont break bank
Flyby alert! OP MIA.  
Best bookshelf speaker?
+1 Pulsar, or Prism may be enough as well and save you some $$$.  Frankly, I’d suggest you try the LSA-10 Statement available on sale here new from manufacturer for $2499 with a 30-day trial period and save even more $$$.  I’d be surprised if you ... 
Best Power cable around/prefer under $300....
Cullen Cable sells direct with a trial period, so you can try their 6ft Crossover cable that sells for $199 in your system to see if it works.  Underwood HiFi has their Valiant Silver cable at around $180 that might also be worth exploring.  Audio... 
Options for $1k or less DAC?
Lots of good options.  I’ll add the Gustard DAC-A18, which has around six filter options and both RCA and balanced outs.  $650 on Amazon.  Nice review on  Best of luck.  
Upgraded amp for B&W 802d3
I would try Pass Labs.  
Living room system: class A or AB amps?
Clayton Audio Class-A amps fly under the radar but get stellar reviews and most models have a high/low-bias switch.  The S2000 would sufficiently power pretty much anything and costs $11,500.  Just another option to consider, and best of luck.  
Amp recommendations
You might take a look at Don Sachs’ KT88 amp.  Best of luck.  
thoughts on replacement for my Arcam AVR 600 surround sound receiver
They evolved from a respected high-end tube electronics company named Sonic Frontiers.  Their HT stuff is a significant step up from the usual mass market brands and more reliable too.  
thoughts on replacement for my Arcam AVR 600 surround sound receiver
+2 Anthem.  
Something amazing - what would you buy
I am putting in a home theater that I want to use for a music listening room too. The goal is putting together something amazing.Cool, and welcome to the machine.  Some general questions:What % importance is movies vs. music, and would music main... 
Former Special 40 - Advice on next purchase?
care about silky yet detailed mids and highs, soundstage, 3d etc. I just want to avoid really forward sound signatures.I think the Pulsar (1 or 2) is an outstanding choice given this criteria. ProAc, Usher, and Vandersteen would be some others wel... 
No.  I worked for Magnolia and got to hear the B&W 702s2 extensively and it’s really just an ok speaker.  IMO for $2300 the LSA-20 Signature is a better speaker all around, and you can try it at home for 30 days.  I’d definitely go that route ... 
LSA 20 Statement
Intriguing indeed, especially after reading the stellar reviews of the new LSA models and the details of how they were designed and who’s behind them.  Not a well-kept secret they targeted the JA Pulsars and Perspectives as sound bogeys in the dev... 
Speaker recommendation $10-20K (with some requirements!)
Given the sum total of the things you’re looking for I’d try to go hear the Nola KOs although they may be tough to find. The designer is very fond of using Audio Research electronics with his speakers BTW.  Best of luck. 
Speaker upgrade
it tends to come down to the type of music one predominantly listens to —whether it’s pop, classical, jazz, rock, etc that person generally is more likely to favor a certain speaker type/crossover design over another.No, it doesn’t just tend to co...