
Responses from soix

Do I really need an " Audio Grade Network Switch "?
As an engineer, I can tell you 100% that cables and switches make no difference as long as they work. @rifraf4u As an audiophile who uses his ears, I can tell you you’re absolutely WRONG.  Do I like that cables make a difference?  No.  Do they ... 
Bit the Dollar and bought headphones.
Quicksilver and Linear Tube Audio MZ2 with Linear power supply would also be worth looking at.   
Thiel Cs 2.3 with neodium Tweeter of CS 2.4
Thanks for sharing all that good info after the fact.  I’m out.  Good luck.   
Do I really need an " Audio Grade Network Switch "?
I’m in the camp that EVERYTHING makes a difference.  I do wonder, however, if you install something like an Optical Rendu if the switch makes as much of a difference.  I’m sure a better switch sounds better, but with the optical separation I don’t... 
Connecting a Conrad Johnson premier 16 v2 to a Marantz home theater sound processor
+1 @imhififan   
Thiel Cs 2.3 with neodium Tweeter of CS 2.4
Just sell your 2.3s and buy used 2.4s.  Not worth the headache of trying to get the 2.3s to sound right, and sadly the company’s no longer around to advise you.  I’d personally explore other brands as who knows how long parts will be available for... 
Making speakers sound tonally similar with an equalizer
Bad idea.  You won’t get there, and inserting another piece of equipment in the signal chain is also not optimal.  Save up for the real thing rather than throwing $$$ down the drain on an equalizer.  My $0.02 FWIW.   
Which amp to use with Linear Tube Audio pre?
Bryston has a good rep driving Maggies and are transparent enough that they likely won’t mess with the LTA goodness.   
Power Cable Suggestions - Budget
Take a look at Cullen Cable Power Box and power cables.   
Adding headphone amp with no fixed out (preamp)
Would help a lot if you’d just tell us what preamp you bought so we can see the available connections.  Usually hooking up a headphone amp isn’t a problem, especially if the manufacturer makes both preamps and headphone amps.   
Stand Mount Speakers
The LSA-10 Signatures will blow away your 602s on every level, and they’re much more sensitive so will sound much better at lower volume levels.  Spend more on Focals or Dyns if you want, but I think the LSAs will make you’re very happy for a lot ... 
Is an audio media transport really better than PC?
Dave at @audiotroy makes coherent, if biased, posts.  My theory is that sometimes Troy sneaks on to the computer and it’s a total mess.  My advice to Dave, change the password so the nut job doesn’t do any further harm to what seems like a fairly ... 
Would my system benefit from cable upgrades?
Try these interconnects between your DAC and amp. They are excellent and I think you’ll be very impressed with the results, but if not you can sell them with little/no loss.  In any event, it’s a great and near risk-free place to start experimenti... 
Playing CDs sounds better than Qobuz — dammit
@kletter1mann I’d be interested in your findings in the performance differences between the Lumin and Node.  Lumin is on my radar too.   
Playing CDs sounds better than Qobuz — dammit
@yage No, no AirPlay.  @kletter1mann Well, I upgraded the Lightening cable from the Apple Camera Adapter and it improved the sound significantly so thought I was ok until I brought my CD transport up from my big rig.  I think it’s pretty clear fr...