Responses from soix
Which subwoofer should I get? My personal evaluation of Rels Neutrik hi-level input application is based on 25 years of ‘personal’ knowledge. I am still currently using two Rel T9i’s so my opinion is they work exceedingly well for me using hi-level for hi-fi. @mylogic Most... | |
Good choice for 20' XLR cable? What I’d consider doing rather than moving the rack and potentially degrading performance with cheaper interconnects would be to buy a new rack that’s long and low — like two components high. That way you can leave the components where they are b... | |
What have you found to be the best preamp & amp for Acoustic Zen Adagio speakers? This completely depends on what sound characteristics you’re looking for. Also, what’s your budget and are you looking for new or used? | |
Which subwoofer should I get? ln my opinion hi level for hi-fi and low level for home theatre only. @mylogic That might be your opinion, but most of the top subwoofers extant from the likes of Magico, Wilson, and JL Labs whose top subs venture well north of $20k only have ... | |
Looking at the PROAC K3 as an upgrade to my current speaker Yeah, this is impossible to answer without knowing your current speakers and what improvements you’re looking for. | |
Good choice for 20' XLR cable? These Audio Sensibilities interconnects are worth a look. 7N copper and cryogenically treated. Price is in Canadian $ so a 7m pair should be within your budget in US$. They also have a cheaper XLR that’s about half the price of this one. http... | |
Is anyone here still into live concerts these days? Smaller venues where you can sit close to the band and really watch very talented players play has pretty much wrecked me for large venues where ticket prices are vastly higher for a less satisfying and involving experience. But that’s me. | |
What exactly is PRaT??? @gbmcleod As I mentioned, I’m a drummer so I not only know the beat, I’m the one who keeps it so the dancers know where it is and I still don’t get how PRaT translates (or doesn’t) to an audio system. Sorry but your analogy doesn’t translate to ... | |
Which subwoofer should I get? Given that the T/5x's are only rated -6dB at 32 Hz, I wonder if this is enough low end given my speakers and room? On the other hand, I'm a little concerned that a pair of Carbon Specials may be overkill for my situation (and a lot more expensive... | |
Recommendations For Upgrade AES/EBU Digital cable up to $500 Check hifishark for a used Acoustic Zen MC2 — they do pop up fairly frequently and are easy to re-sell if it doesn’t work out cause they’re always in demand for good reason. I have one and think it could be exactly what you’re looking for and will... | |
Better DAC or better Streamer So the OP is using a DAP as a streamer right now. I don’t know but I would ask if it is galvanically isolated, does it suppress jitter, and how good is the power supply? These things are material, and I’d be hard pressed to think it compares to ... | |
Which subwoofer should I get? Much better to get two subs than one, especially for music. I’d take two SVS SB2000 subs over one SB4000, and with their risk free trial period that might be a good option to try. If you liked one PB2000 then two SB2000s would be a significant imp... | |
Seeking New Amplification for My Graham LS5/5 Speakers Lots of different pre/amp flavors out there. What sound characteristics are most important to you, and what other improvements might you be looking for over the LTA besides power? | |
What preamp with both line stage and phono? I would just add that at your budget level you’re likely better off with a separate phono pre as it will likely surpass most if not all the ones included with a preamp. It also gives you more flexibility to choose one that best matches your sonic... | |
What preamp with both line stage and phono? I’d recommend the new Spatial Audio Raven or Aric Audio Motherload XL preamps as both are outstanding and offer trial periods so little/no risk. Pair either with this used Herron phono pre and you’d have one helluva setup. Both preamps have an o... |