Responses from soix
Streaming Leads to Brain Rot Streaming Qobuz almost does seem too good to be true — it’s awesome! Rather than being overwhelmed or dumbed down to music as the article implies, I find incredible new music across many genres on a daily basis I would’ve likely never otherwise he... | |
Solid state amp that tube fan can be happy with? This Van Alstine amp is worth a look, and they offer a 30-day trial period. Best of luck. | |
Need input on new speakers Just realized I didn’t provide the link for the Joseph Audio speakers I recommended above. Duh. | |
Received my Denafrips Venus 15th My advice would be to switch to Qobuz — IME the sound is much better and you can do a free trial. And going with Innuos is a great choice not only for sound quality but also for their outstanding Sense app that will make you miss the Wiim not one... | |
Short List of speaker Upgrade Well you certainly have some good choices. I’m unfamiliar with Triangle, but they have a good rep and I believe are usually relatively easy to drive. I’ve heard other models from ProAc and Totem and was very impressed by both. The Totems throw ... | |
Upgrade Path from Martin Logan 11A Impressions hybrid loudspeaker I’d definitely add the Joseph Audio Perspective 2 to that list. And the Usher ML-802 is worthy of a look too. Best of luck. | |
Received my Denafrips Venus 15th The Venus 15th is extremely smooth. Notsure if it would change the sound but It maybe a time for a DDC if I2S will bring a little more from the combination. Maybe a better streamer as I am using a Wiim Pro. It would be hard to give up the ease o... | |
Help for me, money for you. Call Bryston. They’ve got great customer service/support and may pinpoint the issue quickly and save you a lotta time and hassle. That’s what I’d do. Best of luck. | |
budget AES/EBU? I upgraded from a good budget cable to the Acoustic Zen MC2 and it blew me away with the improvement it provided. Read the universally glowing reviews. Worth paying up a little for if you have to IMHO. This seller apparently has an AES/EBU cabl... | |
Solid state amp that tube fan can be happy with? What’s your budget, and are you looking for new or used? Does it need to to be balanced? | |
Neutral preamplifier recommendation $1K new Not all amps pair well with passive preamps, so if you’re considering that make sure your amp is compatible first. | |
Replacing Bryston 4BST for Aerial 10Ts Bryston amps have evolved significantly and that amp owes you nothing at this point so I’d say it’s time to move on with newer Bryston or something else. I recently brought my fully upgraded McCormack DNA 0.5 amp over to a friend’s house who runs... | |
Linear power supply for Weiss DAC 204 I wouldn’t overthink this. You’ve clearly heard significant benefits with your current LPS units so would spending double really get you that much more? I don’t know but call me very skeptical. I’d stick with Teddy Pardo, SBooster, or LHY as th... | |
I can’t hear the Difference in the change the low pass filter or the volume on my SVS subs Assuming your sub is functioning properly, it sounds like your listening position may be in a bass null in your room, which would explain why you can’t hear changes in bass levels because the null will just cancel it out. I’d highly recommend doi... | |
HiFi Rose RS150B vs. Eversolo DMP-A10 I’d recommend a good streamer from Innuos or Aurender (because they’re established and successful on all fronts) and a separate DAC that best produces the sound characteristics you’re looking for. DACs are very different, personal, and important ... |