
Responses from sns

Anyone using a LAN isolator?
No reference streaming setup at this point, as with all of audio, likely never will. With all the choices available one can choose to get frustrated, insist they're setup is ultimate or learn from experimenting and experiential learning. I choose ... 
Dedicated Circuits - Subpanel importance?
No sub panel needed, although doesn't hurt. Grounding is perhaps most important aspect, grounding rods, no cold water pipe grounding. I also individually ground all my dedicated circuits, exact same ground wire length so no potential issues.  
Streaming Sound Quality - Want the very best sound quality? Network Acoustics ENO...
Ignorance is bliss, so they say.  
Decisive moments your your audio journey
Three occasions. First hearing best buddy's 4 channel Dynaco, Linn tt setup. Second, Dahlquist DQ10 at audio show. Third, Magnepans with Audio Research setup at audio dealer.  
CD transport vs.streaming
@nitewulf Agree mastering most important variable. By the way, what is your conclusion as to cd transport vs. streaming? Bottom line for me is while I haven't listened with transport in a long time, I don't doubt cd playing has a rightful place i... 
Musetec (LKS) MH-DA005 DAC
@sirnui Goes to show you how unique streaming setups can be. I can see how your usb chain could be improved, but the Grimm seems to be optimized for AES.   So question is would better optimized usb beat AES in your setup? And then, could your AE... 
Am I a hopeless audio snob?
The newer Technics tt's certainly have strong visual connection to the cheaper DJ tt's. The SP line is another tt altogether, visual appearance up to user, many routes with custom plinths such as mine.   And I prefer my SP MKII to VPI I formerl... 
Cheapest way to enhance SQ with digital streaming
1. Yes, requires two fiber media converters, two ethernet cables,one into first fmc, one out into bluesound. 2. Shorter is better. 3. Lengths your talking about, no.  
Streaming Sound Quality - Want the very best sound quality? Network Acoustics ENO...
@audiom3 Prior to inserting Opticalrendu I had diasy chained SOTM SMS200Neo to Uptone usb regen, I had gone back and forth any number of times leaving Uptone out or replacing, always preferred the daisy chain. I then inserted Opticalrendu forgetti... 
Choice between two different integrated tube amps (SET & PP)
Plenty of Chinese products use top notch parts from all over the world, not limited to using only Chinese parts. And yes, nearly every audio component made in more recent past and today is hybrid Chinese product.   And I don't mean to say the Wi... 
Musetec (LKS) MH-DA005 DAC
@sirnui You're correct in how router is acting. I still have my audiophile switch and want to experiment with replacing router with switch. I presume the switch will be quieter and know it has superior clock, in fact I did hear a bit more detail w... 
Choice between two different integrated tube amps (SET & PP)
@blkwrxwgn They do have similar exterior, LM is point to point wiring vs. circuit boards in Willsenton, here's pic,   I prefer point to point, especially with high heat gen... 
Would you pay more than 25% of MSRP for a used cartridge?
I find it difficult to purchase used consumables, used tubes same issue for me. Wouldn't it be great if they could build in some kind of hour counter on these consumables.  
Musetec (LKS) MH-DA005 DAC
@sirnui It seems I have pretty unique setup in that I have second ethernet port on my server, therefore: modem>router (powered by over spec. lps) via short run of Audioquest Vodka ethernet>server, via another short run of AQ Vodka>FMC (po... 
This 60 Hz hum is driving me crazy
Yep, dc offset can be problem, check your house grounding system.