
Responses from sns

No more "High End" for me...Back to Reality Audio
Recent "Law Of Accelerated Returns" thread presents opposite argument to this. Perhaps each of us reaches a certain peak, at this point we're either motivated or stimulated enough to seek the higher peaks or turn back since the climb already under... 
If You And I Disagree About Audio, Who's Right? Roger Skoff tells you who to believe.
I rarely respond to queries asking for particular brands and models for purchase because I've always felt self conscious about this. What makes me qualified to answer this question for another, my system, room, experience, ear/brain listening comp... 
Musetec (LKS) MH-DA005 DAC
The language of audiophiles and/or terms and words we use to describe sound is an attempt to objectify an inherently subjective experience. Melm's one example of descriptions of 'analog like'  goes to show how it can have different meanings to dif... 
Anyone have experience with Willsenton tube amps or specifically the R800i (92lbs)?
I've run 845 SET for years, and yes they get hot, can be considered space heaters. Nice in winter, not so much for summer, I have 300B for summer. I'd imagine Willsenton is likely hotter than my 845's as nearly double the power, power is heat.  
Usb or Optical
That SMSL is rare streamer/dac with optical input, so optical solution really inexpensive for you. Whether usb or optical superior will have to be determined by you.  
Doping your fuse box
Whoopie, only $7k!  
Best streamer/DAC for up to $1500
@cakyol Perhaps I'm wrong, but haven't you previously stated digital is only ones and zeroes and all digital should sound the same. I apologize if incorrect   If I'm correct, are you now saying you're willing to experience or at least explore wh... 
Doping your fuse box
I'm waiting on someone to come up with audiophile breaker, curious as to benefit.  
Wanting to upgrade my streaming sound quality.
With only $2.5k to spend, you'll have to be very judicious with purchases, otherwise may be disappointed. Many good and not so good choices, be prepared for possible letdowns. With so many innovations, products and directions one may take with str... 
No more "High End" for me...Back to Reality Audio
All depends on what peak you're trying to climb, funny thing is one creates the peaks in one's own mind.  
The problem with streaming
In thinking more about perception of streaming being for lazy people I can see how that thought may occur.   For some playing vinyl is a ritual. Handling vinyl with care, placing it on cleaning machine, handling with care again to place on tt, c... 
The problem with streaming
@vuch With Roon you do get the provenance of recordings, and then you have multiple versions of many many recordings to choose from. And finally, we always have our ears in order to determine quality of each version. While my vinyl setup no longer... 
Musetec (LKS) MH-DA005 DAC
Here's best comparative review I've probably seen of  KTE version of Holo. Compared both to Mola Mola and Totaldac.  
What is Tight Bass?
I perceive it as articulate bass, the opposite of one note, overly resonant bass. Loose resonant bass is real no no for me, once I hear it in system, can never unhear. Also, recording dependent.  
The problem with streaming
@mijostyn I sure am lazy, 3k plus albums, at least 2500 cd's, many albums collected from record shows, I'm gifted albums as its well known I still collect and play.   I think its just the opposite, streaming is for people who love music. And if ...