
Responses from sns

Network Acoustics Eno Streaming System vs SGC Optical Isolation System
One can get fine sound quality with top line streamers and dacs, this even with less than optimal networks. This based on latik and many other's experience, mine as well. We are talking marginal gains with most of these 'in the weeds' network opti... 
Network optimization for serious streamers
These audio divides will go on forever, we're not going to solve it here.   As for those who may be interested in possible optical network optimization, here is some info on optical transceivers. 
Network optimization for serious streamers
@fredrik222 You've made your point, until you have new information we understand where you're coming from. Lets no get into repetition of same old,  same old. Individuals are now well informed as to your opinions, up to those reading this thread t... 
Network Acoustics Eno Streaming System vs SGC Optical Isolation System
@lalitk Perhaps I'm not finding exact product you're pointing to, but all I can find on Linkup is ethernet cables. They may call them LAN cables, LAN cables are in actual fact eithernet cables, theirs are shielded which is simply CAT 7 and CAT 8 e... 
Network Acoustics Eno Streaming System vs SGC Optical Isolation System
@charles1dad Other than listening comparisons, which I've obviously done, here are the issues at hand.   Coax has less signal loss over longer distances vs ethernet. Coax more resistant to emi/rfi intrusion. Plus you get advantage of using top f... 
Network optimization for serious streamers
In general terms I can only say all my consideration/obsessiveness in optimizing network, and previous same level of attention to shelving, footers, AC delivery, room, capacitors, resistors, voltage regulators, internal wiring, inductors, etc. wit... 
Audiphile Press: Am I jaded, experienced, or has it declined?
Seems audience for the rags is not audiogon posters. I wonder what their circulation numbers are these days, how it compares to other times. As for their audience, I stereotype it as wealthy novices. I do like Herb, he gets into smaller manufactur... 
Network optimization for serious streamers
@agisthos Yes, this is the common explanation by the knowledgeable, is logical explanation and also explains why many of these products provide benefit. And yes, noise and jitter can and is produced at each link along chain, certainly band aids af... 
Network Acoustics Eno Streaming System vs SGC Optical Isolation System
Combo modem/router may or may not be best, who can say without direct comparison. I'd still advocate individuals at least try  modem and router close to audio system, hard wired with quality ethernet cable. Compare the two and report. While I've n... 
Network optimization for serious streamers
@jji666 I like the conversation. The only thing I'd add is many of us advocating simply experiential learning and/or enjoyment, not advocating for a certain product or scheme. The idea is simply try it, you may or may not like result, that's perfe... 
Network Acoustics Eno Streaming System vs SGC Optical Isolation System
Caught my miss. What I meant to say, long coax to modem, short ethernet to router, this versus long ethernet to router. Bottom line bring modem to router, even to point of having ISP coming into listening room, this is my setup.  
Network optimization for serious streamers
Ed Meitner is principle at EMM Labs, one of the earliest investigators into jitter and it's affects on sound quality. You'll find his views on EMM Labs website, he also contributes to various forums at times, perhaps you could also communicate via... 
Network Acoustics Eno Streaming System vs SGC Optical Isolation System
For everyone, getting rid of wifi, going to hard wired is great upgrade for many reasons given here and elsewhere. But instead of using long ethernet cable from modem, use long coax, coax much less susceptible to emi/rfi. The filters work in part ... 
Network optimization for serious streamers
Well, we were going along fine until the usual suspects entered picture. @fredrik222 you continue to mention only John in your attacks, try out Ed Meitner for some elucidation on jitter and clocks.   And so we have the usual, usual argument that... 
Network optimization for serious streamers
He likely brought it up since I mentioned John and some white paper a while back. He finds fault with this white paper, then infers John is not to be trusted as expert. I haven't mentioned a single Uptone product in this thread, so how he came int...