
Responses from sns

Tube Amp, Preamp upgrades -- what did you do that improved your units?
Good for you!  Only personal experience will allow you to determine whether benefit worth the cost. I expect you'll find the benefit well worth the cost using any of the top flight caps. And aren't all moves in audio taking a chance, purchasing ne... 
Review: Holo May (L2) DAC and the Musetec Audio (LKS Audio) MH-DA005 DAC Compaired
Seems like we're getting a lot of comparisons to Holo dacs, interesting that R2R users want to try 005 and/or Sabre chip dac, reportedly very different sound qualities, at least up to now. Could it be different dac topologies are converging? Repor... 
Review: Holo May (L2) DAC and the Musetec Audio (LKS Audio) MH-DA005 DAC Compaired
I believe that's correct amperage. I've been running with 5a Synergistic Orange that I had as spare. I'd replace with stock, although keep in mind this dac uses supercapcitors in power supply, may have enough inrush current to blow  equivalent amp... 
Review: Holo May (L2) DAC and the Musetec Audio (LKS Audio) MH-DA005 DAC Compaired
@wharfy  My response in other 005 thread.  
If a " system " cannot do this, I move on........
I can only say not all horns created equal, so blanket statements not credible unless all have been heard in one's own system. Yes, they do have this overall gestalt, what I call immediacy, but in your face, not. This immediacy does require extrem... 
If a " system " cannot do this, I move on........
My other speakers are Merlin VSM-MM, all Duelund VSF caps in BAM and crossover, Texas Component TX2575 z foil resistors, upgrades voltage regulators, blah, blah, blah. Totally different kind of speaker, anything but in your face quality, my Klipsc... 
Musetec (LKS) MH-DA005 DAC
I use 005 with Coincident 845 SET, custom built 300B monoblocks and modded Prima Luna Dialogue Four, used with SED EL34, Coincident Statement preamp, which uses 101D direct heated tube, greatly modded Klipschorns. I've not heard any semblance of ... 
If a " system " cannot do this, I move on........
To expound a bit on listener perspective. Your are there, the sense you're transported to studio or recording venue.   The performers are here, the sense of the studio being brought into your listening room.   The performers are here, the sen... 
suspending monitors from the ceiling
I had a friend back in the day with four Bose 901's hung from ceiling, all four corners. Guy loved hard rock, metal played at extremely high volumes. Worst sound ever, all these other guys would love it, I'd be cringing.   The difference with ha... 
Just a thought on first impressions, items for sale....and your thoughts.
Perhaps this is good thing, they expose the truth. Cleaning up and polishing may hide how they truthfully keep equipment.   On the other hand, dust and fingerprints may not indicate true condition of internal components. It does show someone not... 
If a " system " cannot do this, I move on........
What I think you're speaking of is what I call immediacy, this is what I'd describe as sense of performers in room. First time I heard this was with my first 845 SET amp some years ago. But it was only after hearing my 845, 300B SET's with stock K... 
suspending monitors from the ceiling
I've heard of people doing it, recall one guy doing it with Merlin VSM. Try it and report on results. I used to hang my cd players and transports from ceiling, best isolation solution experienced vs.. many usual suspects. I'd like to try this with... 
Ready For Digital Source...Computer?
If you're insistent upon computer server there is the option of Mac mini. You could get linear power supply from Uptone or Mojo, the linear power supply alone will make this best computer solution. While this wouldn't get you to an optimized mac m... 
Musical Fidelity
Can't recall where I saw this, may have been some online audio zine. Article was about Project's purchase of MF, had many pictures of MF and Project manufacturing facilities, looked top notch. These were somewhere in eastern Europe as I recall. 
Tube dampener questions
I've been through much tube equipment over the years, in probably 90% of cases no damper preferred. The other 10%, only Herbie's high temp dampers, the ones with metal ring and tiny little o rings wrapped around a white colored plastic piece, work...