
Responses from snapsc

Tekton versus Klipsch
Just one more thing to think about no matter which ones your buy/try.  The bigger and heavier they are, the more they will cost you to send back (and shipping is very expensive right now) if you don't love them.    AND if at some point you decide... 
Essay bashing Primedia, Stereophile - and Audiogon
Let’s go back to the day when dealers wouldn’t let you try gear at home and you had to use the newspaper classified section to try to find a buyer.   
Adding a sub. - can i start with one?
It is a simple test.  Turn off your mains.  Turn on your sub and set the crossover at 50hz and then play a number of songs...not much tone.  Walk around the room...still not much tone.  I've done it with four different brands of subs and it always... 
Adding a sub. - can i start with one?
I also have a big space.  I also have mains that do a pretty good job on their own but sometimes could use a little more oomph.   One suggestion would be to add a 15" sub...sealed if its for music only.  Then run your mains full range and bring i... 
Help me spend $6000
I really think your answer begins with some questions: What have you owned and liked? What have you owned and not liked? What have you always wanted to try? What is absolutely out of the realm of consideration? Recently, I've owned Salk and S... 
Anyone have (or had) a Belles VT-01 V1? Auto un-mute after warmup?
I have a Belles 22a which succeeded the VT-01.  When turned on, it is automatically muted as the tubes heat up… which takes 60 seconds. It stays muted until you hit unmute on the remote. It can’t be unmuted before the 60 seconds are up.   
Competitive class D amp suggestions
Ralph, thank you for the explanation. One thing I’m still not clear about is why people describe class a and high bias a/b as being warm sounding especially if their overall distortion is on the higher side?  
Competitive class D amp suggestions
Ralph, your distortion discussion is very helpful. What can you say, generally speaking about the distortion make up for class A and highly biased Class a/b solid state amplifiers?  Are they generally the higher distortion 2nd harmonic type or the... 
Competitive class D amp suggestions
@niodari  the numbers might get you in the right theater but you will only find the perfect seat by trial and error because the amp has to mate with the source or preamp and speakers in a way that sounds great to you.  So for the trial and error... 
Fed rate increase = lower hifi prices?
The stock market may cause a few potential buyers to sit on the sidelines.    Maybe a larger issue is shipping cost. People have a value in mind for a piece of gear and if shipping has doubled or tripled… especially hundreds of dollars, it could ... 
Competitive class D amp suggestions
The interesting thing from the March Audio review/test is that although the distortion is very low, the remaining distortion is mostly 2nd and 3rd.  The question  becomes "although it has great bass and an extended top end, is it musical"...or is ... 
Competitive class D amp suggestions
I'm not an engineer but I suspect that the Purifi is similar to the the distortion as low as possible...period, the end...and obviously a ton of people really prefer that sound. Since very few designers talk at length about wha... 
Competitive class D amp suggestions
Speaking of 2nd and 3rd order harmonics and their influence on what we hear...this is an interesting post/analysis.....    
Competitive class D amp suggestions
@niodari  I suspect that the difference between the Set and the Megaschino is both the amount of distortion and the profile of the distortion with the SET amp having more 2nd and 3rd harmonic giving it a tonal difference.  In my case, with the 2C... 
Competitive class D amp suggestions
Good for can't just be about music and Gear 🤣. I can't seem to find it now but I think Ralph said that his goal with the Class D Monos was to get the distortion as low as possible and be sure that any residual distortion was dominate...