
Responses from smodtactical

Magico vs the world
@freedomgli I think YG is definitely interesting. I enjoyed the Sonja 1.3, but I think they have a few problems. First it seems their cabinets are not as nice as magico’s more curved designs and especially their mixed carbon fiber + aluminum desig... 
Yamaha NS 5000
 Im surprised Yamaha won't make a bigger floorstander version in the NS line. 
Yamaha NS 5000 
Looking for best streamer without DAC under $3500
@creativepart  Have you ever had the firmware corrupt on you  requiring you to burn a new microsd and put it on? I find that a bit annoying. 
Are big subwoofers viable for 2 channel music?
Maybe thats why the main guy at Rel keeps talking about the 'vertical component to bass'. Maybe thats why people love rel 6 packs. 
Magico vs the world
I'm just curious what speaker could challenge or potentially beat a magico m6. Hrmm... interesting question to ponder. 
Magico vs the world
mheinze Ya he seems to have deleted the review since I cannot see it anymore.  
DENAFRIPS DAC ---- Owner Impressions, Feedback, General Discussion, Questions and more....
For you denafrips owners, what other dacs did you find the denafrips performed better than? Either at a similar level or more pricey? 
To get best sound quality, roon or lumion app?
Don't you guys find it annoying to pay a subscription fee for roon (considering its offline software) or did you buy lifetime?This is what motivates me to get a lumin device so I can use the lumin app instead. 
Has anyone compared a Denafrips Terminator to an Audio Mirror Tubadour III SE
This is a tube dac? Just took a look at the internals. 
Has anyone compared a Denafrips Terminator to an Audio Mirror Tubadour III SE
How long were they warming up for?If this dac beat term v2 its an insane value. 
Has anyone compared a Denafrips Terminator to an Audio Mirror Tubadour III SE
Also were these terminators with dsp board upgrade? 
Lumin U1 vs Lumin U1 mini + sbooster?
Yup same my local dealer said he would cover the warranty and he would do the install. I dont like that the internal shielded psu is being wasted though. 
Magico vs the world
One interesting thing is Jeff from soundstageultra downgraded his $400k Magico Q7 system to a $40k system featuring Vimberg Tonda (non diamond). He could have chosen an S series magico for that price easily but he choose vimberg because of the sou... 
Magico vs the world
@mikesawtell Which magicos did you hear?I don't think its a matter of people not having a good ear more just a matter of taste. There are also so many variables... what were the electronics, what was the room like, what were they playing?People wi...