
Responses from slappy

No Audiophiles in Hollywood
Yeah, he was talking about NAD gear. Like the 762 T or something 
Paint Removal?
how about a razor blade? 
Advice on Home Theatre components...
Hey, Mbourner, Tell us how you really feel! ;) 
No Audiophiles in Hollywood
Mitch4t, Yer totally right. What really blows my mind is how many episodes i see of MTV Cribs, showing the high class living of celebritys from all walks of life. Every time i watch these shows i keep an eye out for thier audio gear, and normally... 
Music you would like to turn someone on to.
Tireguy, Maybe we oughtta keep it on the d/l before they ban us for listening to electronic music. (laugh) One of these days im gonaa track down another copy of Snivilization. That one is pretty hard to find if you have objections about buying ove... 
Music you would like to turn someone on to.
Marakanetz, And here i thought i was probably the only "pink dots" fan on audiogon. great music. Seen em twice, wonderful live show., I have around 7-8 of thier 100 billion albums. (grin)Ill throw these out....Tear gardenNick Cave and the Bad Seed... 
AVR vs seperates
It really depends on your budget. If you want to go pretty inexpencive you can look into adcom, parasound, B&K, rotel, or some marantz monoblocks. You might want to do a search in the forums on any threads asking about what to amplify thier ML... 
Spindle oil
Mejames, Snake oil is actually not something you can buy, however, you CAN harvest it.All you need are a few snakes, a grill, and a sunny sundar afternoon with some beers. It is pretty simple, first you want to kill the snake. To make this task e... 
Can a transformer be replaced?
Just make sure you never try to replace an Autobot with a Decepticon. 
where to find lead shot?
GO cow tipping, and wear ALOT of THICK clothing. After you knock over a few cows and the rancher starts plasting you with his shotgun, you can hurry home and pick all the lead shot out of the clothes.Ta daaa... Free led shot! :) 
AVR vs seperates
Definatly seperates, you will be very hard pressed to find a reciever that is gonna do a good job with those Martin Logans.I dont know how many pre-pro's have zone 2 capabilitys though.You could always go with something like a Denon avr3805, and g... 
Tell us compliments received on your system...
"Meh.... not bad, seen better, seen worse. You got any beers?"From my buddy Jonny. 
Advice on Home Theatre components...
KEF speakers work nicley with Denon recievers. You can definatly pick up a whole surround set for under 2-3k. You might want to give them a try 
I'm frustrated with people who don't ...
All of my friends are pretty supportive of my hobby. They ask my advice on anything AV related, and i do what i can.My buddy Ben is thinking of upgrading his speakers. He has an older "3 models down" from flagsmip model of yamaha reciever, a techn... 
NHT 3.3...any info?
Thanks Newbee. Unfortunatly 3.3 internet sitings are like bigfoot sitings. There apparently is a review for these in stereophile, but it is nowhere to be found. Same in Absolute Sound.NHT's website has a picture with them in a room, but that is it...