
Responses from skyscraper

Most recordings you own by a single artist, group, or composer
Schubert, of all the Bach recordings you have which are your favorites, and which do you play most.? That is an impressive collection by anyone’s measure. Are you still finding more to purchase or have you exhausted his canon. Jim204, about how ma... 
Most recordings you own by a single artist, group, or composer
The question at hand is, does any one of you have more than 48 albums by any one artist, be it an individual, band or composer. There's got to be someone out there who does, or even might have a larger Coltrane collection.  Now that's a person I'd... 
Can I go wrong with Stillpoint Ultra Mini anti-vibration isolation feet?
And the winner once again is twoleftears for suggesting the Isoacoustic Aureas. After much research they seem to best fit the parameters of both performance and budget. I ordered seven of their Indigos for the Marantz Ruby CD player and Luxmann 50... 
Can I go wrong with Stillpoint Ultra Mini anti-vibration isolation feet?
Audiorusty,seems a number of you like the Townsend products. My platforms are already built in is why I'm primarily looking at only footers at present. The IsoAcoustic Oreas you are considering for your set-up are still high on my list of possibli... 
Can I go wrong with Stillpoint Ultra Mini anti-vibration isolation feet?
Tomic601, I’ll do some research on the HRS (Harmonic Resolution Systems) Nimbus couplers and other products. I’m looking on their site right now. Thanks for the recommendation.There sure are a lot of anti-vibration products out there.Do you use an... 
Can I go wrong with Stillpoint Ultra Mini anti-vibration isolation feet?
Slaw, I’d been wondering about whether ceramic ceramic balls might be better in roller block applications. It’s interesting you’ve tried them. . I think McMaster-Carr carries them, but I’m not sure of the quality or smoothness of those..Selecthi-f... 
Can I go wrong with Stillpoint Ultra Mini anti-vibration isolation feet?
Jtc925, what didn't you care for with the Ingress Audio Rollerblocks when you had them? And what components did you use them under? What do you use now under each component that works better for you. And I thought this was going to be easy to figu... 
Can I go wrong with Stillpoint Ultra Mini anti-vibration isolation feet?
Chorus, I am in the process of learning about these anti-vibration devices, and trying to figure out who the top players are in and around my price point, before making a purchase. I think from the recommendations given here, and after some resear... 
Can I go wrong with Stillpoint Ultra Mini anti-vibration isolation feet?
I don’t know if its permissible or not, but since this is my post I don’t mind either. The moderators can always delete your entry if it’s a rule violation of some sort.Mike. 
Can I go wrong with Stillpoint Ultra Mini anti-vibration isolation feet?
Fsonicsmith, you didn’t mention how you liked their performance. I’d be interested in your input on that.Rsf507- thanks for the description of how the Ingress Roller Blocks sound better in your system. I have been reading about them today. They so... 
Can I go wrong with Stillpoint Ultra Mini anti-vibration isolation feet?
Rsf507, I’ll look uo the Ingress Engineering roller blocks you mentioned today. What did you like better about their performance?Testpilot, good point,Mike 
Equipment Rack - How important in the grand scheme of things?
Thanks for the explanations millercarbon. Sounds like the BDR cones do have a substantive difference from the vibrapods in their design and materials to justify the extra expense. I’ll go with three per component as you recommend. Next I’ll read u... 
Equipment Rack - How important in the grand scheme of things?
Tomic601, I’ll be looking forward to the results of your tests. I’m planning to put the cones and discs under my amp like you, as well as the CD/SACD player. VPI recommends not to place isolation feet under their Classic 2 turntable. I suppose the... 
Equipment Rack - How important in the grand scheme of things?
Millercarbon, would you know if the BDR Cones and Round Things are substantially better than the Vibrapod equivalents? They are substatially more expensive and I’m wondering if there’s enough difference to warrant that extra expense. Anyone else w... 
Magico vs the world
What other equipment are you using with your A3's, king barbuda?