
Responses from skyscraper

New Unreleased Art Blakey
Thanks for the heads up on the new Art Blakey release Mitch. I’ll be sure to get it. I'm sure it will be an enjoyable listen as the both the Jazz Messengers and Lee Morgan are always a treat. It's great to have something new from the vaults by eit... 
The Best Isolation/ Vibration Footers per component - what's your experience?
Since you didn’t mention your budget I’ll second mrmb’s statement the Isoacoustic line offers a lot for the money. They are not inexpensive by any means, but recognizably improve your systems performance in exactly the ways they advertise and revi... 
Best debut album
Janis Joplin's "Cheap Thrills" and the Sex Pistols 'Never Mind the Bollocks".Mike 
Feeling Tweaky
Octet11, I've been wondering if better power cords can actually make any difference. Not to say that they can't, but the idea of it is so conter-intuivitive to me I've hesitated to commit the resources to get any to replace what I have. The Shunya... 
Anyone with tinnitus or hearing loss who is into "high-end" audio?
Amg56, your wife was onto you. Due to a birth injury my late wife could only hear out of her right ear. Whenever she was mad, she would sit on the couch with her non-hearing left ear towards me. It was pretty obvious what was happening, even thoug... 
Anyone with tinnitus or hearing loss who is into "high-end" audio?
This is really a timely post for me and thank you for it. I noticed this past Saturday I was hearing some increasingly loud chirping sounds. I had at first attributed this to the fact it was Springtime, and living in the country it’s a natural sou... 
Feeling Tweaky
Yes I do. Take it easy Mickey. Just having a little fun with you as I'm sure you guessed.Mike 
Feeling Tweaky
Are you implying you weren't one of them or admitting to it? 
Feeling Tweaky
Terry9, I know next to nothing about caps and mods but that sounds like an interesting subject to learn about. I once stumbled across a web site that talked a lot about DIY stereo and mods. I saved that site somewhere and you’ve reminded me to go ... 
Feeling Tweaky
Try to play nice boys, although this last bit was pretty funny. 
Feeling Tweaky
Audioguy, that book thing was some sort of joke. I think. I’m sure you’re right this hobby can earn you a divorce. Honestly if I wasn’t a widower in here, I’d never have this fancy system, much any tweaks at all. The cost of the IsoAcoustic footer... 
Feeling Tweaky
Mijoststyn, I appreciate your cynicism on tweaks, having been repeatedly criticized for being too cynical myself ever since being a teenager. On the other hand maybe there are a few things, like you've done with your system, that may be sensible a... 
Feeling Tweaky
Thomas, I really like the IsoAcoustic Orea and Gaias and will not be adding or subtracting anything to or from them. Now don't go trying to tempt me into purchasing new components after I just acquired an entire new system. My current audio plan h... 
Feeling Tweaky
Sgordon, I do intend to fully research the suggestions made here. There are simply so many tweaks mentioned on past Audiogon threads, and elsewhere that I am hoping to winnow the field, categorize them, and focus research by drawing on the experie... 
Feeling Tweaky
Geoff, I thought those were tweaks you were making fun of. Excuse me, Ill look them up,Tantejuut, you've provided a number more to look up too. Thanks,Mike