
Responses from sirspeedy

What do defective phono tubes sound like?
Atmosphere thanks So much for the advice. Audiofeil,you expose yourself again,as a total jerk,but I've been aware of that for some time.Thanks for the kind words anyway. Best 
What do defective phono tubes sound like?
Stilty,the phonostage can be had,I think.The tubes are most suspect as of now. As to the arm....I am not so sure about that,due to circumstances which my loyalty may have attributed to.One reason why "if" it is the arm(and it is not taken care of ... 
What do defective phono tubes sound like?
Doug,I'd be ALOT happier if I could identify the problem.Usually this is very easy for me,but "this" is getting tiresome. Also,I hate the thought of blaming the arm,unless I am certain it is the cause,but let's face it,everything was "honky dory" ... 
What do defective phono tubes sound like?
Once again thanks for the interest in my dilemma. Jloveys,my entire system is on regenerated A/C,and dedicated lines,so something like a "refrigerator" kicking in should not be a cause.If I need to go to "that" level of forensics to diagnose a pro... 
What do defective phono tubes sound like?
Thanks to all,so far.Originally the problem blew a fuse,and cap in my table's electronics.Got a brand new table(Sota is an amazingly fine company to deal with,and really care about their customer base....BIG TIME). I spoke to my arm supplier,and w... 
Change to Horns or stay Dynamic
I'll give you my personal(non sonic)take on this..... After years in this hobby,I finaly have a system that I have no desire to upgrade anymore(for a month or two,at least)since I feel I have the "sonic signature" I've been after......Yet... My fr... 
The best speaker you ever heard?
Stilty,actually you seem to be pretty lucky too.I've seen your system thread!! Best. 
Furutech / Air Tight LP Flattener - do they work?
I have bought some "amazing" LP's for 99 cents.My current discs on my "Speedy Flattener" are actually very collectible,and not cheap,but my method actually greatly helps dished stuff. I am still playing around with time spent in my flattener,and w... 
Furutech / Air Tight LP Flattener - do they work?
Forgot to mention,one other friend has the Air Tight unit.He claims it works great.....Yet,for thirteen bucks I made a superb(looks great too)DIY flattener,that seems to be quite effective. I took two nice pieces of marble/sandstone slabs(12x12 in... 
Furutech / Air Tight LP Flattener - do they work?
My friend is getting one in September.I'll let you know. 
Synergistic Research's Tricon Phono Cable
Steve(btw,how are you,and nice to se you post)... Can you give a bit more info as you gain "exposure"?I'm quite intrigued! Also,didn't you have the Revelation Audio Labs arm cable?It looked superb,based on the "web-literature".Thoughts and compari... 
Synergistic Research's Tricon Phono Cable
I have always been fascinated with "this" subject of new/advanced tonearm cabling.Yes,this particular signal is extremely faint,and can be altered by imperfect cabling! There are some really cool(seemingly)and very pricey arm cable products around... 
What do you want from the hobby?
I think we all can have similar experiences,if we have a nice group of audio pals,owning different equipment.AND having real enthusiasm for both music,and fine equipment. I am lucky here,and when we do get together there is always great music/wine... 
Just Purchased Infinity RS2B / RSIIb owned RS 2.5
I owned the 4.5's/RS-1b's/and then the Betas. My friend still has a mega modded pair of 1b's.The crossover mod is a MUST!!Rear cabinet damping does not hurt either. I did have a friend who had the II B's.I loved that speaker,and it is "well" worth... 
Stereophile claims about Magico
I have heard both the MINI and the fine V3.I like the V3,but believe the Mini does a better disappearing act.Less pretentious,is how I hear them. They sound more coherent and the presentation seems to emanate from a more ideal sphere(point source)...