
Responses from sirspeedy

What do defective phono tubes sound like?
Hmm?I experienced that too!Yet,now I have new headaches. This is becomming as much fun as the last five miles of a marathon -:).... 
component problems driving me from the hobby?
Well,I am going to consider a successful ending,"if" it actually turns out to be a pre(now,looks that way)problem. I will connect my CD player to the amp,"when I get some enthusiasm back".If that works(if not there are no tall buildings around-:).... 
component problems driving me from the hobby?
Well thanks to all,so far!!.....My equip is all connected to a "perfectly working" Exact Power EP-15a/Ultrapure unit.I regenerate a constant 120 v at 60 hz,in "balanced" connect for A/C.The Sub(Rel Stentor)is in it's own dedicated line(all lines a... 
Purist Proteus Provectus tonearm cable.
Jloverys,be careful,or you'll find yourself with a "not so nice" web-stalker,in Audiofeil...just looking to spew crap at a whim,for lack of better things to do,and not giving a damn about anything but a good ha-ha.Like when we were in grade school... 
Purist Proteus Provectus tonearm cable.
Jloveys,my friend has the Venustas arm cable,on a Graham Phantom/Transfig Orpheus.Running Magico Minis,which go "way out there" in high freq....There is No drop off/softening,or treble shyness in the high freq, in his set-up.The Venustas does a su... 
Change to Horns or stay Dynamic
Dgad,nice post....Btw,didn't I meet you at HE 2007?There are not many other hobbyists living in Aruba,whom I met at that show,so I assume this "is" you. Sorry for my short session listening to the Singer demo,with you. Best 
Worth having my SOTA Sapphire refurbished?
Stingreen,though I find my Sota Cosmos a pleasure,many of my friends have VPI products.Truthfully they are superb,"as you state". I believe many hobbyists(nobody in particular)liken up to stuff that they,and friends have.From there,the "other" rel... 
Worth having my SOTA Sapphire refurbished?
I must admit to having just received the "latest" Sota Cosmos last thursday.I have owned various versions of the tables for over twenty years.If one breaks down what is important to vinyl replay,the Sota offerings are amazingly good!At real world ... 
What do defective phono tubes sound like?
Jloveys,the apparent solution was what Atmosphere mentioned.He has superb experience,and is very well intentioned.I thought through his comments,and it coincided with my dilemma(I'd not been able to spin vinyl for about six months,due to what I th... 
What do defective phono tubes sound like?
Jloveys,first off--what an interesting table you have put together!I have some friends who will be very interested in your mod. Secondly,I won't consider a "happy ending" until I have spun some vinyl for a few,unimpeded listening sessions. Then joy! 
Worth having my SOTA Sapphire refurbished?
Yes,maybe the type of "unawareness" that certain "way long in the tooth" folks have,when "old age" and crankyness affects good spirits! Keep up the good work for "whatever remaining time is left"! 
Furutech / Air Tight LP Flattener - do they work?
Downunder,I am having a hard time understanding the "total" pricing.Is it 785 plus 240 to ship to the U.S.? Thanks 
Worth having my SOTA Sapphire refurbished?
I and a friend have had various Sota stuff upgraded many times over twenty years.The service is superb,and very reasonably priced for what one gets...which is basically a state of the art product! good luck 
What do defective phono tubes sound like?
Atmosphere,your thoughtful/educated response has saved me sweat,and a good deal of headscratching.Thanks alot for being such a decent fellow hobbyist. Best 
What do defective phono tubes sound like?
Btw,getting a "new" arm and "new" arm cable...that shoud put an end to it...whew! Best to "almost everyone"! -:)