
Responses from sirspeedy

B&W 800d's or MAGICO V3's?
Sorry,I meant the TAD monitor!... A beautiful "three way",but the mid/tweets are coaxial,and I just bet it will be "special"!! 
Sota & Graham Phantom owners
I know what you mean,with the SME.I owned two series III's. Obviously "any" connector is going to ultimately go down,but the right angle DIN,on cable allows one to swivil the arm block,for a good "evacuation" of the cable,as it protrudes from the ... 
Thoughts on Phantom vs Copperhead?
My friend simply likes to move about from time to time. I've tried, many times. to "hint" he's basically "done" from a "sonic" standpoint,but now I just "go" with his prediliction to add an "air" of improvement,by spending on new stuff a few times... 
B&W 800d's or MAGICO V3's?
OK,I simply want to give an opinion,having heard the V3,and having a close friend owning the MINI!! I'm trying to be fair,but obviously just my own take,and please no venom!! The v3 may be a superb speaker,and I like it,and have heard it well set ... 
Sota & Graham Phantom owners
Smoffatt,hope I can help.... Well,both myself and my friend have this exact combo(table/arm)!... We have the right angle Din in use,as our tables are mounted on Symposium Ultra shelves....I use the Graham IC-70,and he uses the Purist Venustas arm ... 
How good is the phono stage of the VAC sig.II pre-
I've heard this phonostage((in pre)and was lucky to compare to the VTL,and Zanden seperate units... IMO,the VAC was absolutely(and surprisingly)"easily" competitive to the other fine units.Others present felt the same way. One small advantage of a... 
What Cartridges to use with Triplanar IIV Tonearm?
All of "this" lower priced,but superb,cartridge "talk" only reinforces a thought I had after auditioning some mega expensive digital gear recently...."Analog,at almost any level, IS amazing"!! The dealer was comparing two different "two box" high ... 
Stereophile claims about Magico
I must admit that the review of the new KEF Monitor speaker,in this last issue of Stereophile has caught my eye/ear! This looks like a superb design.Not unlike the "coming" TAD three way Minimonitor! Some really interesting small enclosure designs... 
What Cartridges to use with Triplanar IIV Tonearm?
FWIW,in the latest Absolute Sound,Harry Pearson proclaims the Triplanar/ Myabi cartridge combo as "really special"!I believe a review is in the works,which can mean in a year,from past "promises"! Good luck 
turntables for dartzeel phono preamp...
James,I have had 4 different generation Sota Cosmos tables.I've never had the "slightest" drift in speed,and believe "this" is one advantage of the design.Accurate to the 'nth degree!! Sorry to hear about your problems here.Possibly a worn belt?Ma... 
SOTA vacuum or no?
Well,while on the vacuum subject,when I mentioned no noise issues,I was referring to no noisey LP's,though my pump runs dead quiet too!I'm talking CD player quiet. I do have non vacuum using friends,and cannot go to the level that Raul has,in stat... 
SOTA vacuum or no?
Kudos to Larry!! As to vacuum seal of warps.I find some warps need a flattener,based on how warped the disc is.I've made a DIY flattener for thirteen bucks,but it does not "do" every Lp perfectly.I'm still experimenting. As to pressure level,my So... 
SOTA vacuum or no?
Downunder,actually I have "no unsteady hand issues" myself,and would be confident with an outer ring(except for the "knock" it got from the folks at Grand Prix Audio,regarding "exactitude" in "fit" as it pertains to wear on bushings,during play...... 
SOTA vacuum or no?
Yo Downunder,some "older" folks don't have as steady hands as some other folks.I have seen the problem,with ring clamp " between groove and clamp-valley of death" cantilever damage! This does not mean the Ring clamp is to be "absolutely" avoided,b... 
Stereophile claims about Magico
Dhaan,I am a bit slow these days.Got your point! Best