
Responses from sirspeedy

Upgrade from Old Basis Ovation
Jim,a good idea,but I'd still have the table's bearing/bushings/thrust pad and belt checked out....After that you should be good for another decade,at least. As to first upgrading the TRI,and then A/B'ing it against the Vector....I suspect this wi... 
Magico Mini 2 vs Kharma Midi Exquisit vs MBL 101s
Emailists,I agree with you totally.Even though I have a superb(time has proven it to be even better than it's "original great press")three way floor mount design(Sealed enclosure/massive external crossovers),I DO feel a speaker with less cabinet,a... 
Upgrade from Old Basis Ovation
Jim,I would keep the Triplanar,or maybe have the latest TRI update done.It surely will be cheaper(and less of a hassle,with the selling/buying)than changing arms completely. My experience tells me the VTA on the fly is a good thing.It's up to the ... 
Magico Mini 2 vs Kharma Midi Exquisit vs MBL 101s
WSLAM....TAD replied to my E-mail in one day. Expect a superb design to be available for the consumer fairly soon. Btw,one thing I like about the MINI II,is the ability to hold superb resolution at very low volumes.This is a very good attribute,as... 
Upgrade from Old Basis Ovation
I hope you digest the information gotten here.The Ovation was a fabulous table!! I would definitely call Basis,and have the table updated,with "maybe" a new bearing,bushings,thrust pads etc. I doubt you will do much better than "that" gem,for less... 
Magico Mini 2 vs Kharma Midi Exquisit vs MBL 101s
Wslam,I've enjoyed your posts,on the Valin discussion site.Though I usually find J.V. to be a bit over the top,he pretty much got this speaker "right" in his opinion piece! I convinced my friend to be open to the "mini-monitor" approach(that "mini... 
Question concerning the Mint Tractor
"I've wistfully noted that the Mint helps me imagine what a good tangenital tracker might sound like at all points across an LP.My dream has always been a Kuzma Airline.Some day.".... I hope you do realize "that" dream!.... Maybe you'll not think ... 
Are there replacement woofers for Infinity RS1b's
Contact Bill LeGall at Miller Sound.He is expert at modifying,and repairing the "Classic" Infinity stuff.He also has spare drivers,from what I have read. I used to own the RS-IB's,and have a dear friend who had his crossover,and cabinet modded by ... 
Upgrade for users of 1/2" mylar belt
"Stilty".....Best of luck!! 
Mint Tractor
Sonofjim,regarding the annoying(looking)marks left by "Scotch Tape".... First off, "painters tape" does not have as good an adhesive,and can easily dislodge if you're not careful.Yet,it is very good in many scenarios(don't buy the el-cheapo stuff)... 
Anyone NOT like the sound of VPI?
I've had my Sota Cosmos on a few different platforms....ALL affected the sound differently. The MDF was quite poor,in that the sound was rather "MDF'Y"-:)It was sort of deadened,and diffuse compared to my second move,which was a pricey air bladder... 
Flattening a warped LP
I'd first line the inner sections of the marble with self sticking cork liner(found in a Home Depot type store,very cheaply).This will allow some flexure as grooves make contact,and should aid against groove "squishing"(from heat)-:) 
Swapping Cartridges on the DV 507MKII
I'd take "any" comment from Thom as accurate to the N'th degree!He's one dealer/designer who actually knows his products,AND seems to care about customer support! Best 
Anyone NOT like the sound of VPI?
I've got quite a few audio pals who have gotten superb results from VPI tables,over the years.I've heard them over a long period of time,and concur they are just fine! I've been able to A/B the Super Platter against the "Regular" plexi platter.Thi... 
Sub for Focal Micro's
A friend has the Micros with an Audio Physic sub(the smaller model),and loves it.Many claim his sound is superb,so I must asume the combo works great,as he is fanatical about music. Good luck