
Responses from sirspeedy

SME V, Tri-Planar or Phantom B-44
I've owned all three,but did not have the best table set-up for my Triplanar,yet it is definitely a superb arm.I liked it alot though,and you'll hear from alot of posters liking it too. The SME was a good arm,but the Phantom is superb,in virtually... 
Genuine Telefunken?
Jafox,I am happy for your "always interesting" response,except this time around you may have cost me some money. -:) Worth replacing my CCa's with the PW's? 
Which part reduces surface noise most?
Tim,"that" was a superb point of info,and coming from Ralph,you just know it is valid. 
Genuine Telefunken?
Be very careful!!.....My friend spent five hundred dollars(for three tubes),for his phono section.They sounded drab,thin and basically horrible. As it turns out,they were "fakes". He has since replaced them with superb Siemens CCa's,but he got exc... 
Unipivot vs Linear Tracking
Raul,who said there has to be any winner here?....You're reading too deeply into my comments,especially in lieu of my previous explanation of why I am enthused about "so much" of the componentry,and different approaches in the hobby. Also,it is co... 
Unipivot vs Linear Tracking
One thing I love about the approach of "so" many hobbyists,on this forum and from personal associations,is the desire to try and "push the envelope". There are loads of amazing system approaches,and they all interest me.I'm not about to favor any ... 
I am one who feels,in your case the sub option is a very good idea! I've heard your speaker alot,and have definitely heard good bass,but with 100 wpc push pull amps.In a rather large room,if one can believe it. I think,if you like your choice of ... 
Unipivot vs Linear Tracking
There just happens to be a NEW series II Graham Phantom out,as of now!....Supposedly some "serious" mods have been made to it! If I'm lucky,I'll have it in about a week or two.Along with a newly modded pre/phonostage(new V-teflon caps and a new fi... 
Unipivot vs Linear Tracking
The Cartridge Man is the first arm,I believe!I cannot remember the second one.Btw,I did hear the Brinkman this winter...thought it was beautifully made,and loved the sound of the system it was in. Why the concern regarding my punctuation? 
Unipivot vs Linear Tracking
Well,first off my apologies if I seem to be attempting to convince anyone of "anything" being better than anything else....This "is" a hobby topic based forum,so I think I'm playing within it's parameters.... Raul,I am sure that though it is compl... 
Unipivot vs Linear Tracking
"The spcial soundstage performance on LT is more a result of it's non mechanic grounded bearing that of the LT design".------ I'm going to assume this means what I've been ststing about the lower mechanicl friction of the air bearing 
Unipivot vs Linear Tracking
Well,you are certainly entitled to your opinion! 
MC phono stage without transformer?
Pleeease Doug!!You're too humble,here.Take the compliment,and leave it at that!-:) 
Unipivot vs Linear Tracking
My own observations tell me,that the more common posters on this forum are quite credible.Based from "following" their posts for a long enough time,to realise they know a little about good sound.How to help the masses to get there,if so inclined. ... 
Unipivot vs Linear Tracking
Cjfrbw,your post definitely smacks of condescending accusations....I think-:) I'm going to assume you don't mean it,that way...but for the record,as it applies to my experience at a friend's home(who has a superb rig),I and others,have heard the d...