
Responses from sirspeedy

Siemens CCa vs. Amperex PW 6922
This has been a subject(the original posting question)that has interested me for years!Yet,even with all these responses,I feel I still am in the dark regarding which is ultimately the better tube(all things being equal). I've had good success wit... 
SME V, Tri-Planar or Phantom B-44
Downunder,the bottom-most Shiraz,and it's a good price too.Really worth seeking out!! Thanks 
SME V, Tri-Planar or Phantom B-44
I lied!!!I simply messed up...BUT I LOVE the "Rockbare" label from Australia(about 20 dollars),and really amazing!On the cheap,but the amazingly good side is "Tin Dog",I bought three cases of the stuff for Five dollars a bottle,and have been havin... 
Genuine Telefunken?
John,I just got off the phone with Steve Huntley,as he is doing some new update work for me. The subject of PW tubes came up,as did your name.Steve thinks you a super fellow btw,and a very knowledgeable hobbyist. Also,he mentioned your IO sounded ... 
Genuine Telefunken?
C,mon Jafox....I think you just might be trying to "out-fox" me!!?? Trust me..."That arm is incredibly good"!!Your system looks to be "incredibly good".Your experience seems to be the same,so don't assume you cannot get a bit more from "something... 
Unipivot vs Linear Tracking
The physics regarding some weaknesses of linear design is plausible,but "man" do some of these things sound good!!! Btw,I had a friend who owned,and loved,the "Versa".It sounded very good,but it almost never got through an LP without sticking,or s... 
SME V, Tri-Planar or Phantom B-44
OOPS!!...I kinda screwed up!...My comment made about the "linear" arm,and impression of it's sound,should have been placed on another thread!! Can anyone buy the excuse of two glasses of nice Shiraz,being the culprit? 
SME V, Tri-Planar or Phantom B-44
BTW,sorry as I should have added this all on my previous post,but the Phantom is very fussy(in a good way)regarding it's fluid damping in the bearing.This can be very helpful in voicing the arm,once one gets familiar with it. It is nowhere as crit... 
SME V, Tri-Planar or Phantom B-44
Sure the set-up skills of the hobbyist or arm cartridge mating is obviously important,but the actual design of the arm to be used is still paramount....They're not all equal! Also,I still haven't heard from a hobbyist who previously owned a Walker... 
Genuine Telefunken?
Jafox,hmm?.. Well,I don't have stock power cords,and my Exact Power EP-15a/Ultrapure "regeneration -- fully balanced" conditioners blew away a huge variety of stuff. Went through evrything except the PW tubes,AND you are selling the IC-70 short,IM... 
Genuine Telefunken?
Jafox,it was meant as a compliment! 
Genuine Telefunken?
Jafox,one thing I am consistently amazed about you,is.... No matter what the "known,believed" excellence of "anything" audio is... You can be relied upon to basically come up with a "new",not usually known/considered "take" on the subject! DON'T E... 
SME V, Tri-Planar or Phantom B-44
ALL..Trust me!! If you have any properly working arm be happy...Be very,very happy!! I am "not" alluding to any delay issues either!... Don't even ask!! " -:) " I hope) 
Unipivot vs Linear Tracking
Raul, "Sounds great"(great sound) is something I haven't heard for a LONG time!... If I'd had a simple answer to a basic question(from a clueless dealer),or a piece of info in the instruction sheets of a "new" product I got,I'd have had NO problem... 
Unipivot vs Linear Tracking
Raul,this is the "ONE" time(in almost ten months) that your "Enjoy The Music" signature expression may apply to me! I "MAY" finally be close to getting my system operational again.Awaiting the updated pre/phonostage,and "another" new Phantom serie...