
Responses from shersta

Recom for Preamp $400 for Forte Model4a/Spicas?
You didn't mention whether or not you'll be incorporating a turntable. If yes, then I second Xiekitchen's suggestion to take a look at the older Audible Illusions 2 series of tubed preamps. A very nice phono stage and can be had for 400 or less. 
New to the Hobby what would you do next?
I'll second the previous ideas of playing around with speaker placement and looking into DIY room treatments. But if you're still looking for a good, cheap DAC, I'd heartily recommend looking at MSB line of dacs. The older ones should start at und... 
DAC for multiple CD players?
Davef,I really like the EAD. My dvd player is the Philips963A. I still like the Philips for SACD, but on redbook cd, what first sounded like detailed and extended treble, soon became irritating (regardless of what level of upsampling I chose). Add... 
Please help Problem with Rega P3 belt "rolling".
Is the small pulley on the motor shaft moving up and down? On Regas, I know this pulley can sometime come loose and needs to be reglued to the motor shaft. 
DAC for multiple CD players?
Check out the back of the MF and the Pioneer to see what kind of digital out each offers. Do you need a dac with two optical inputs or one that has an optical and an rca type input? One that has two rca inputs? Most dacs feature both optical and r... 
Help educate Analogue rookie
Do you like to go to garage sales sometimes in the summer? Do you like to poke around on ebay every once in a while? Do you like hanging out at record stores with all the hipsters and their complicated shoes? If you answered "yes" to any of these ... 
Philips 963 SA -transport
I've had a 963 for about two years now. A couple of issues to keep in mind. It's not a universal player (doesn't do dvd-a). If used as a tranport only, you won't be able to listen to sacd (uless, like me, you run a digital out to a dac for redbook... 
Jazz recommendations?
For a more "classic" style of smooth piano jazz, I'd recommend just about any bill evans disk, also solo works or small ensemble works by errol garner. Evans, though, should really float your boat--though he's so good, you might find yourself list... 
Vandersteen 1C - Best Integrated For Vinyl Lovers?
Yeah, if you know you're going to be into vinyl for the long haul, then investing in a nice cartridge makes sense (since you can always take it with you if/when you move up to a nicer table). At this point, I think a new cart. would equal your bes... 
Vandersteen 1C - Best Integrated For Vinyl Lovers?
You might get more bang for your buck by taking your 1000$ and getting a better turntable and cartrige and hanging on to the Nak for a while. A grand should get you something like a Rega p25 w/ a nice mm cart. on it. Though if you're set on a new ... 
Where can I find a value of old amps
Here you go find on the Marantz! 
What Turntable to buy under $600 ?
A P3 is hard to beat at this price point. For an absolutely no-worries experience, consider using a Rega cartridge. Rega cartridges and tonearms feature a three point mounting system so you don't have to worry about alignment. Granted, there are b... 
Beginning the Analog Adventure
It sounds like your immediate plans are to buy a lot of vinyl (which shows you have your priorities straight). Perhaps you should invest your budget in a good record cleaning machine, cleaing fluids, new inner sleeves, and storage for your collect... 
Does this preamp exist?
Thanks for the all the responses so far.The Kora looks very nice, but I don't think I could get it for 1,500.The AI 3A was high on my list, but it lacks headphone output or two tape loops. Same problem with the BAT.So that leaves the Rogue 99 w/ p... 
Django Reinhardt.
On a related note, the Woody Allen movie "Sweet and Lowdown" (starring Sean Penn) is an enjoyable look at the music of Django's era. The character of Django himself puts in a pivotal cameo.