Responses from shersta
Best arm for quick swapping cartidges? Mid price? If you get a Teres, why not just get a second armboard? That way you could mount a second tonearm (like an RB300) and wouldn't have to swap anything? | |
Options to upgrade from Cambridge Integrated You've got a good list of speakers there, but they each have a very different sound, with different strengths and weaknesses. So it's really key to audition before you buy. Paradigm and PSB also make some high value speakers. Have fun and bring a ... | |
Small Floor Standers a little bit beyond your size requirements (but not much) would be a pair of psb silvers. There are a couple different pairs for sale right now, but they're common enough that you should be able to find someone in the chicagoland area selling a pa... | |
What to get freinds into on the cheap? inpepin is spot on--make sure you ask your friends, and not us, what they want from their stereo. I've helped a number of friends and family members with getting new stereos. Each one had different priorities, budgets, and restraints (though to be... | |
I want more from my Rega P5 What is it that you feel your analog setup lacks in comparison to your digital rig? | |
What should I expect from .... At your price piont, you might be better off getting a better preamp with built in phono stage--maybe something like an audible illusions M3 or M3A (w/ mm phono stage). Once upon a time, I added a well-regarded 500$ phono stage (monolithic) to a c... | |
Thiel 1.6 vs. 2.4 vs. 3.6 using NAD c372 This is probably of limited usefulness, but I helped my parents pick out a new stereo system, and after much searching and listening, we settled on a c372 and a used pair of theil .5's. They're not very efficient (87dB) and they dip to 3 ohms, but... | |
vintage integrated I used to buy and sell vintage equipment. I agree with Sit that the Yamaha CR series, while kind of ugly, are very nice sounding--a little crisper and cleaner that Pioneer and Marantz, which can sound a little overly warm and rounded (albeit pleas... | |
Lehman Black Cube SE vs Musical Fidelity XLPS V3 Joe,You didn't mention the vintage or quality of your yamaha receiver, but another option would be to get a tube pre and use the yamaha as just a power amp. You can get an audible illusions 2d (mm only) pre for around 400 or a audible illusions 3 ... | |
You too can own your own record/stereo shop Reubent, I hear you. Actually, right after the christmas season, I started feeling a little burned out with all the buying and cleaning. But then I realized that I could just stop working and let the booth take care of itself for a while, so I did... | |
You too can own your own record/stereo shop Jaybo, I did learn some lessons the hard way about keeping better records (an envelope stuffed with receipts does not, alas, constitue an adequate book keeping system). But Mjw55 is right, the best part of this is skimming the cream off the top an... | |
Help me put a system together for under $1k. If a straight up, good old-fashioned, two channel stereo is what your son wants, I see in the clasifieds right now a Rega Brio integrated amp for 300, a Rega Planet cd player for 300, and Rega Jura speakers for 400 (no affiliation with any sellers... | |
Analog point of entry... No affiliation w/ the seller, but this looks like a good deal, and with a clean record in good shape, your Cary might start collecting dust. | |
Ladies analogy lover? In response to Opalchip's contention that we care more about gear than music, I would suggest that the evidence (the number of posts under Cables v. the number under Music) does not necessarily speak for itself. I already have a number of mechanis... | |
Warped Records I too have noticed what seems to be an unusual amount of warping in the small number of new records I purchase. I've wondered if perhaps improper storage might be the culprit. In my mind's eye I see boxes and boxes of horizontally positioned lps s... |