
Responses from shakeydeal

Revel Salon vs Vandersteen 5A
Irvrobinson,Don't underestimate the power of a good time/phase coherent design. Ever heard any GMA speakers?Shakey 
Is my room OK for Magneplanar 3.6's
Work is one thing, optimize is another. For example, Elizabeth's setup described above = work. Does NOT = optimize. Find another room or a different speaker is my advice, sitting 7 ft. from maggies is not the way to get the best out of them.Shakey 
Speakers after GMA Europas
>if you're looking for transparency to the source, pinpoint imaging, 3-D sound stage, neutral response, dynamics and non-fatiguing sound.<Wow, not much else to ask for, is there?Shakey 
Speakers after GMA Europas
Yes, the vandersteens really do no wrong and are a nearly full range speaker. But I need more resolving power than they can provide. GMA speakers just rock my boat.Shakey 
Revel Salon 1 vs Salon 2
If you can't tell the difference, why did you buy the newer model? Or why not keep the old model? Don't understand.Shakey 
Speakers after GMA Europas
So this is all about bass? Sure they have more bass, but still are not the better all around speaker. They sound like they have a blanket over them compared to the Europas.ShakeyAnd Thiel 3.5s? That one makes me laugh. 
Speakers after GMA Europas
I don't believe the Vandersteen 2s offer any GMA design competition. But that's just me.......Shakey 
Speakers after GMA Europas
I have owned Callistos and my buddy has Europas. I'm not completely convinced the Callisto is a valid upgrade. The Europa is a very good speaker and will be hard to beat with the budget you have. I would keep an eye out for another pair.Shakey 
Can the Harbeth 40.1's boggie ?????
Kudos to you Garebear for admitting your mistake. Far too many people try to talk themsevles into a product that they don't really like down deep. Denial for sure. But you have accepted that they may not be your cup o'tea in a public forum. Admira... 
Buggtussel Speakers - heard 'em?
Well it's only been seven years. You think he found a pair yet?Shakey 
Von schweikert vr4sr up against mahler
Bsimpson,Why revive a 4.5 yr. old thread?Shakey 
Avalon Acoustics vs Wilson Audio
Can't help you with the Avalon vs. Wilson thing. However, you are taking quite a leap from Paradigms to either of these. And the upgrade will be underwhelming with your current system. And if you really use it for mostly HT, you will still never g... 
Does the wilson sophia 1 sound good only with perf
I agree with what's stated above. Setup is key with these speakers. They can sound so so, or pretty darn good with only small adjustments. Even though I liked them, in the end I found the midrange lacking detail. That was the achilles heel for me.... 
Need amp suggestion for PBN Montana EPS2.
I am of the mind that tubes sound better with Montana speakers. But if it must be SS, that Plinius is a good choice.Shakey 
JMR Offrande Supreme V2 vs GMA Calypso
>For some, a truly time and phase coherent loudspeaker makes all the difference.<Hear, Hear!!