

Responses from shadorne

Sonic Tonic fom the Tweek Geek
How long does the audible improvement last and how much of the liquid did you drink to achieve the optimal effect?;-) 
KEF Blade 2 as replacement for Reference 107/2
Stick to the 107/2. The Uni-Q driver doesn’t sound integrated at all SPL levels with the bass - maybe they cross it over to low and it runs out of steam - don’t know but that is what I hear on the KEF R700.Anyway it is a strange beast. Normally a ... 
Benchmark Dac3
If you trust measurements then Benchmark is outstanding compared to anything else. If you trust ears then your taste is what matters and no amount of research can help as you need to audition....That said, I am definitely hearing the lower noise f... 
Benchmark Dac3
@gdhal It ultimately depends on your setup and what works for your amp and speakers. I compared both the DAC2 and Gustard to Audioresearch DAC 8. In the end it was too hard to pick a winner. The sound was excellent from all sources - not possible ... 
Dynaudio-Which one should I buy with around $5000.
With Dynaudio I’d suggest Either stick to their small two ways (which they do better than most) like the Contour/Confidence old or new version. OR I think you are better off with another line of speakers for a good three way as the good three ways... 
Wilson Sasha 2 or Alexia for small room 10' x 17'?
The resonant bass on these can be a bit of a challenge but of all the Wilsons this is probably the best behaved in the bass. The mid range is very nice and good driver integration - one of the few speakers I have heard that I like. Go for it! 
Eggleston Works Andra II speakers as forever speakers.
At a good used price for sure! It is an excellent speaker built with high quality Dynaudio parts. The design will play very loud without distortion - a very realistic presentation. The bass is too strong and resonant like most Wilson designs but t... 
Which amplifier (integrated) would you recommend for Monitor Audio PL speakers
Not sure how you can fix the ribbon tweeter. Ribbons suffer from compression and distortion as you increase SPL. True to form for that style transducer, the ribbon appears to be severely distorting and compressing at modest levels.http://www.sound... 
Directionality of wire
+1 Almarg...a voice of reason in an ocean of purveyors of fanciful misinformation 
Journey ending speakers
Discovered ATC 23 years ago. Only upgraded to the bigger models over the years...absolutely no reason to change even though I keep hoping someone will make better speaker... 
Is Classe AUdio no longer???
LOLMy DAC and preamp is made in New York. My power amp and speakers are made in UK.Chinese manufacturing has a achieved a well deserved reputation!!! 
Directionality of wire
@ivan_nosnibor I don’t deny truth. However, before attaching strong beliefs to unsubstantiated claims I require something more solid than conjecture. This is why man-made global warming remains a remote and infinitesimally small possibility to me... 
Directionality of wire
"Not everything can be measured"Exactly. Whatever experience that can be measured repeatedly and independently becomes accepted verifiable fact. What cannot or has not been successfully measured repeatedly and independently is in the realm of conj... 
Directionality of wire
@almarg Sorry to see that common sense is all but absent on Audiogon because of those who work so hard to maintain and propagate myths.The onus is on those with wild claims to prove via repeatable measurements that their weird and uniquely bizarre... 
Directionality of wire
@jea48 The speaker transducer moves forward and backward according to EMF acting on the voice coil - see Faraday’s law and Maxwells equations - so both +ve and -ve current direction along the speaker wire causes transducer movement.A wire with dir...