

Responses from shadorne

Room acoustics
@teo_audio  You don't seem to understand what can be done with a microphone, a pc, software and frequency sweeps or chirp signals and a little mathematics (convolution and fourier analysis). 
Room acoustics
On Mac OS you can use Fuzzmeazure to measure speaker and room response. Audyssey XT32 is or was an excellent automated system on Onkyo devices 
Soundstage and explosive dynamics?
@gtaphile  +1 PMC iB2 
Soundstage and explosive dynamics?
@bondmanp +1 Good observation. This is why large studio main monitors are all built into walls so they behave like an infinite baffle. Studio main monitors are exactly what "explosive dynamics" is about - they are designed to impress the hell out ... 
Room Response
You can't possibly be using the SR transducers in conjunction with the Shakti hologram. The two products are well known to cause destructive quantum hall harmonic interference causing permanent damage to speaker transducers (from paramagnetism) an... 
Advantages of beryllium?
@phusis I believe many people are able to hear what you describe with metal or rigid material versus damped materials. Equally there are others who dont seem to pick up on it or be sensitive to it. Maybe some of us listen more closely to timbre (t... 
New CDP or standalone DAC...?
By all accounts your Oppo is very good. So what are you looking for and can you describe the rest if your gear? 
Soundstage and explosive dynamics?
Try to find a pair of used pro studio main monitors. These are the big speakers that are often mounted in walls - Westlake, ATC, Genelec. Meyer etc. 
Oppo Vs Esoteric
I dont care for Marantz sound at all but I understand why some people may prefer it. 
Whats playing on your system today?
Ozzy+1 Vanilla FudgeThere is another great cover of Season of the Witch by Brian Auger and Julie Driscoll - check it out - great audio quality too https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dCKZPEleI-U 
Please suggest bookshelf with best bass response under $4000 pr.
+3 Dynaudio C1 or Totem Mani 2 (which also uses the Dynaudio woofer) 
Audiophiles should learn from people who created audio
@willemj  I agree that intrumentation is far more resolving and reliable than human hearing.However, it is still astonishing that we can hear up to 10 dB below the noise floor. Our hearing is very much like a spectrum analyzer. I dont subscribe to... 
Opening a can of worms
There is no debate - everyone agrees that adding a filter (like the one in your Transparent cable) will change the sound often audibly. No debate at all. 
Opening a can of worms
Looks like the transparent ultra cables have a black box which probably houses a filter.If you add a filter then it likely will sound different and audibly so in many cases.This is normal. This is what filters do. Of course at no cost you could us... 
Does a new cd transport require break-in time?
Sorry to hear of your issues. You must be dissappointed. Hopefully you didnt damage anything through misuse and it is covered under warranty.