

Responses from shadorne

Anyone Totally Content With Their System?
Two Channel: Totally content with system. In all honesty, my speakers/sub are more than I have the right to ask for in a roughly 28 foot by 18 (partly 24) foot room, domestic setting. Many pros wish they could afford this kind of setup for daily u... 
M&K THX speakers for home theater
Active. You will never look back. Done right this always has much better driver integration and much lower IM distortion than an equivalent passive design. 
12" 45 RPM records: What's the story?
Pre-echo is evident throughout the record, if there is a loud passage preceeded by a soft passage. I see, so you only hear it clearly when there is a loud passage preceeded by a soft passage...but does that mean it doesn't matter except in these ... 
12" 45 RPM records: What's the story?
Pre-echo is a well known fault of LPs, and, to the best of my knowledge, comes about when the master is cut, not when copies are pressed. Eldartford,Do you mean it is only at the beginning....or throughout the whole LP??If you have echo going on ... 
English Speakers
Bkonig,Too true, I forget to mention Harbeth as well. 
English Speakers
ATC SCM 20SL or SCM 10-2's are similar to Rogers LS 7.If yo do a google on Mark Hennessy Rogers ATC you'll find someone who likes 'em both and owns several models of Roger's fine speakers. 
Digital Cable Choice; how critical is it?
I really am a music guy & not a computer/techie guy. So, considering that the digital information that runs from the DAC to the Preamp is 1's & 0's or bits & bytes or whatever they are called; how critical is it to the sonic perfroman... 
12" 45 RPM records: What's the story?
to minimize pre-echo Eldartford,I always wondered about that....I used to think it was the fault of the master tapes and how the magnetic field transfered slightly to the adjacent tape above and below, as stored on the reel...But your descripton ... 
Low volume bookshelf spkrs that go from 20 to 20k?
A 20hz soundwave is 27.5 feet long. It simple can't be achieved in a small room though Good point...the long waves can be achieved but modal issues will be absolutely huge....a central position in a 14 foot room will be 7 feet from a wall and the... 
Can I ever stand to listen to our system again
Thanks for sharing. I constantly remind myself that time together with spouse and children is fleeting and each moment must be treasured (even the inevitable disagreements, difficulties). Very cold miserable stormy days should also be embraced for... 
Low volume bookshelf spkrs that go from 20 to 20k?
I have absolutely no affiliation with this seller (never dealt with him/her...but this is a pretty amazing bookshelf IMHO...including shipping it will be well under your budget Energy 22  
12" 45 RPM records: What's the story?
Some (45's) are better; most are not....my entire collection of 5000+ is comprised of original pressings spanning 1957-present Well that doesn't match my experience but I never got close to 5000 LP'sI also used to buy import Japanese pressings of... 
12" 45 RPM records: What's the story?
the 'dance club' 45's are all over the board in quality.....mostly bad. I would agree that they are all over the board (so true of all recorded music whatever the media but especially pop....a real mixed bag). However, I would point out that in c... 
Mainstream reviews-why so few?
client lists are probably the best advertising, IMHO, I never trust reviews....a mixed bag, IMHO. 
Von Schweikert VR-4sr MKII or Wilson Sophia
Both designs use aluminium cones - is that something you desire? Metal drivers have a distinct advantage in stiffness, however, be aware that all drivers ring (like a bell) and that metal drivers ring at 10dB peaks versus the 3dB peaks of non-meta...