

Responses from shadorne

How important is the speaker/room interface?
I want that studio for my listening room ! Yeah but just imagine having to clean it - dusting all those surfaces... 
Dynaudio Sapphire vs Revel Studio2
Interesting. Based on your comments - you want the midrange and slam of the Dynaudio but the showy highs and lows or extra sizzle of the Revels is tempting too. The Dynaudio is clearly the better choice. It has a midrange that sounds real and not ... 
How important is the speaker/room interface?
Cool Looking Room 
Power Conditioners?
I have APC is does what they claim. 
JM Labs Altos
Yes they tend to be on the "bright" side of neutral just as silk domes tend to be more laid back. 
How important is the speaker/room interface?
So, any thoughts as to why the speaker/room interface is not more universally considered the top priority in building a system? Studios spend a fortune in this area with bespoke speakers built into walls in custom designed and treated rooms. Perh... 
Harshness in tweeters: the price of transparency?
I would either learn to listen always at moderate levels even if the dynamics of the recording want to go high, or look for another pair of speakers once again. And that is going to be challenging.Kurt,Challenging in consumer audio yes - because ... 
Harshness in tweeters: the price of transparency?
It's a harsh ringing tone of dome break-up sound, not hard clipping hash or soft clipping hash. Like I said light rigid materials all tend to ring like a bell. 
Straley Reality Cables... RE: coverings
Covering will affect the transmission properties over many miles. 
Harshness in tweeters: the price of transparency?
The Stereophile review states the speaker "can be unforgiving of bright material". Frankly, I believe your problem starts here, At the SPL levels the poster mentions a speaker this size is laughable. Thermal compression and Xmax limitations will ... 
Harshness in tweeters: the price of transparency?
Dave, Oh and lest I forget - Robbie WIlliams "Swing while your winning"" - great sound! Another one for the "demo" collection - if you love a realistic brass sound with a bit of "bite". Or Sante Fe and the Fat City Horns or Strokeland Superband or... 
Harshness in tweeters: the price of transparency?
Dave,I could not agree more - you gave some great suggestions on music. I have the Harry James Sheffield Labs on XRCD - awesome!In return may I suggest ToP "Soul Vaccination" LIve - What is Hip....awesome drums and persussion!Another greatt is Chu... 
Room size for B&W 802D???
Bass may not be a problem for you - but it may be an issue for neighbors, as deep bass travels far. 
Harshness in tweeters: the price of transparency?
I want to play horns and cymbals loud and clear, without that bite in my ear. Of course, another possibility is simply that your expectations are unrealistic.Are you familiar with real acoustic drum sets, real trumpet and trombone? Frankly, on a ... 
Harshness in tweeters: the price of transparency?
This is quite normal. You are hearing either tweeter compression or tweeter ringing or IMD distortion from the amp driving your speakers or compressed pop music. It is all too common - things sound great at modest levels (as almost all consumer de...