
Responses from sean

Impendance - Resistance & the story of "Z"
Joperfi: As i mentioned, most amplifiers have a very low output impedance and most speakers have a relatively low ( several ohms ) input impedance. Using a cable that is somewhere between these two figures will typically provide the best results. ... 
EAD lacks power compared to Sherbourn
Truthrider: Given a typical CD, what number do you have to turn your TG II up to in order to get "loud" listening levels? I've got a TG II and we can compare notes. Sean> 
balanced is inherently flawed
Ralph: There are points that i'd like to respond to on your comments pertaining to the amp / speaker interphase, but i'm going to refrain from doing so for now. I've got my reasons and it has nothing to do with you, your company or your products. ... 
"Power hungry" speakers
You mentioned an spl rating of 76 dB's. At 70 dB's, this would allow you 6 dB's of headroom before you reached 1 watt of input. As mentioned though, i didn't know if you were measuring at 1 meter ( which is useless except for sake of comparisons t... 
"Power hungry" speakers
I assume that you're talking about Apogee's based on your impedances and mention of ribbons. Having said that, you state that the speakers are 76 dB's yet only a few amps could drive them beyond 70 dB's. How is that possible? It would require less... 
Is it best to use a 5-channel amp for biamping??
Planckscale: It is typically cheaper in the long run to plan ahead / think about future moves than to just buy what you can get by with now. If you take that approach, i can pretty much guarantee that you'll end up upgrading later and spending mor... 
balanced is inherently flawed
Two things Ralph. "Not that I'm saying that SE is bad, just that balanced (done right, which is not that hard) is better and *any* audiophile can hear it. I had a girlfriend who was deaf in one ear, and half deaf in the other, and *she* could hear... 
directional arrows on interconnects
El: If you found another source for your 45's other than the "pulls" from the juke-box at the local corner pub, you too might have a lower noise floor : ) Sean> 
"Power hungry" speakers
Some distortions are not "additive" in nature i.e. they aren't creating / adding additional output on top of what the original signal had. This means that losing some ( any portion ) of the signal also equals to distortion. Since more power = more... 
"Power hungry" speakers
Op-amps can sound quite good when properly selected and implimented. Obviously, there are vast differences amongst Op-amps. Stereophile ran a very interesting article on the subject a few years back. Sean> 
Question about Gain, amp power and volume
By having more steps in a control, you can obtain higher resolution. That is, rather than jumping up 2 or 3 dB's at a time, you can now step .5 or 1 dB at a time. This allows one to find the exact volume that they want. Only problem is, with that ... 
Amplifier design / Bob Carver's thoughts
The older Phase amps were very simple circuits, but due to poor implimentation and quality control, sounded worse than they should have. If one removed the current limiting circuit and matched the output transistors on these amps, you would get ri... 
Question about Gain, amp power and volume
All i will say is that you can't have "too much" power with Dunlavy's. I think that there are better ways to achieve what you desire, but i'm not you and we probably see things differently. Sean> 
Amplifier design / Bob Carver's thoughts
Rgcards: While i basically understand what you're saying and agree with you to a certain point, i also think that Bob gets hung up on bringing his ideas to fruition. As such, some of the fruits of his labor aren't implimented quite as well as they... 
EAD lacks power compared to Sherbourn
Look at the input sensitivity of the Sherbourn compared to the EAD. It is possible that the Sherbourn requires less drive to obtain rated output than the EAD does, so in effect, you've got to crank the gain up higher on the TG II in order to compe...