
Responses from sean

Is it best to use a 5-channel amp for biamping??
Jetmph: With a Sunfire Cinema Grand, you would be neither vertically or horizontally bi-amping. That's because all of the channels are fed off of one common power supply. If running an amp with a dedicated power supply for each channel, it still w... 
Current Trends in multi thousand dollar speakers
Firebat: I'm not real familiar with these speakers, so i'll refrain from putting my foot in my mouth. At least on this occassion : ) Sean> 
Best power/digital cords for C E C transports.
You've probably got an impedance mismatch between the output of the transport & the input of the DAC. Just because two components have matching jacks doesn't mean that they are going to have matching impedances. It is what is on the inside tha... 
"Power hungry" speakers
El: active crossovers betweem preamp and amps, not passive. Sean> 
Bridge Robertson 4010 Question?
For those interested, the 4010 is not recommended for bridged operation. Sean> 
"Power hungry" speakers
El: My main system is actively crossed. No capacitors between amp and speakers other than the speaker cables themselves. My Brother's system was previously quad-amped using passive networks a while back. He is now actively crossed and the passive ... 
Bridge Robertson 4010 Question?
I agree that the 6010 is a very nice sounding amp. It is slightly lean sounding but other than that, i love it. I've got a copy of the 4010 manual. If you want, i can make a copy and drop it into the mail. I don't know if it is bridgeable, but i c... 
Your favourite recordings that everyone else hates
Zaikes: Ross is no longer with Manowar. I know that they've put out at least one ( probably more ) LP's without him now. Sean> 
"Power hungry" speakers
Start looking at bass transients into low sensitivity and / or low impedance and / or highly reactive loads and you need hundreds upon hundreds of watts. Combining all of the above will mean that you need a MONSTER sized amp to do the job right. T... 
"Power hungry" speakers
Capacitors have varying levels of dielectric absorption and thermal losses as frequency is varied. Their transfer characteristics ( linearity ) can be measured and compared over a given frequency range. None of this is new technology and studying ... 
How do you determine how much to spend on speakers
Dr Diamond: Regardless of how Dave Wilson was able to "beat" the mega-dollar system, the fact that he did so says a lot about what one can do with a little bit of money and a lot of know-how when it comes to electronics. I've been trying to stress... 
"Power hungry" speakers
I'm not familiar with Sonus designs at all. The only thing that i can think of is tonal balance. A speaker with a very laid back or semi-sunken response will never sound as "loud" as a speaker with a more forward ( or even "flatter" ) response. Fr... 
"Power hungry" speakers
Bemopti: Right on. The more complex the crossover, the more "power hungry" the speakers will be. Not only are such designs "sucking up power", they are "eating signal" at the expense of losing micro-dynamics and detail. After all, there wouldn't b... 
Current Trends in multi thousand dollar speakers
Ernie said: "Your posts are voluminous and helpful in reciting the liturgy, but in so doing sometimes mask objectivity. We know what we hear...and how it measured."I guess that this is why "audio" will remain subjective forever. I know what i hear... 
Favorite SS Amp?
Sounds like Phoenix isn't "hurting" for good sound or high quality brands : ) Sean>