
Responses from sean

Your opinion on best use of some Townshend sinks?
Unlike most amps, the Sunfire's disperse the majority of heat from the bottom plate of their chassis. As such, the chassis should be elevated with plenty of air-flow allowed to pass underneath and around it. This is one of the reasons that the amp... 
Voltage regulation for Joule amps
What am i missing here? Why are you using a variac? Why are you setting the voltage to 89 volts? Is this standard procedure with Joule products?Out of curiosity, what is your standard line voltage? When it fluctuates, how far up and down does it v... 
Musical Fidelity A324 DAC too bright?
It is probably not so much that it is bright, but that it is lean i.e. lacking in body and warmth. This is pretty typical of the the Musical Fidelity house sound. If you have a system that is already somewhat lean and / or on the bright side, it c... 
Best cheap cartridge for college student
Dual worked directly with Ortofon on a line of cartridges called the "Concorde". These were specifically designed to integrate well with their arms. The name came from the shape of the cartridge, which somewhat resembled the jet of the same name. ... 
Purist Audio System Enhancer CD
Nrchy: I agree that other approaches may have laid the groundwork for what was encountered once the Ayre disc was used i.e. it may have had a compounding effect. Given that the system components in this specific case are still breaking in very not... 
Modding Hafler Amps?
I guess i was "thinking inside the box" on that one. I agree with the others. That is, there are GOBS of info available about modifying these amps. Much of what either of these guys would do and charge a high hourly labor rate, you can do yourself... 
"High Current"
Power measured at clipping and peak power are different things. Peak power will typically be higher than power at clipping due to the pulsed signal that is very short in duration. The high intensity, short duration signal does not stress the ampli... 
Purist Audio System Enhancer CD
Someone that i know was using a Purist disc to help break in some new components in their system. After i suggested it to them, they then ran an Ayre disc on repeat. After listening to the system the next day, they told me that they could hear a d... 
Why do mass marketed CD's sound so crappy?
The use of compression is an extremely MAJOR problem. This not only alters the dynamics of the recording, but can also introduce major amounts of smearing with a lack of definition. Another problem is the fact that some studios are using speakers ... 
Please explain in simple terms...brightness
I tend to agree with the link that Gregm provided over the definition that Stereophile presented. That is, brightness is an elevated output level in the treble region. According to Stereophile, they state that brightness and brilliance are the sam... 
Modding Hafler Amps?
Van Alstine probably has a greater degree of design experience although he is just learning about the differences in passive parts ( caps, resistors, etc... ). Hillig has probably modified WAY more gear but has more experience with the various son... 
Top Ten Electronic/alternative Albums
Mwilson: I was waiting for either your or Dwayne to reply to my comments. I knew that at least one of you would : ) Sean> 
Stereophile test CD2 In/Out of Phase test:question
El: While i'm sure that you know this, all woofers should displace air in the same direction for best results, regardless of how the manufacturer has them labeled. I assume that you corrected this? Sean> 
Top Ten Electronic/alternative Albums
Some good tunes / bands listed above, but a pretty wide category between "electronic" and "alternative". Having said that and trying not to duplicate items already mentioned, here's a few worth contendors. Jim Thirwell in all of the various multit... 
What music do you want to play really loud?
I've got a question for you folks. Have you ever noticed that while some recordings "beg" to be listened to at high volumes, others really seem to fall apart above a certain spl level? While i'm surely not shy with the volume control, i find that ...