
Responses from sean

Single vs Multiple driver loudspeakers...
The article was published in the January 2005 issue of AudioXpress, complete with photos, text and test results. It is no joke as can be seen by the end result. Sean> 
Is 24/192 all hype?
Whichever DAC's have the widest bandwidth with the least phase shift will "probably" sound better. The problem here is that many "one box" players ( models not designed to be used as "transport only" ) suffer from higher jitter out of their digita... 
Allen 75 Organ Amps
Allen organ is who purchased Legacy Audio a while back. Try contacting them for spec's on the unit as that may give you more info to work with. Sean> 
Single vs Multiple driver loudspeakers...
Gregm: According to the chart that Nelson Pass had published in that article, the Lowther DX55 showed a gradually dropping slope below appr 700 Hz. As compared to the average output levels in the upper midrange & treble regions, output was dow... 
Is 24/192 all hype?
Most gear barely passes 16 bits of resolution in terms of the noise floor, so don't think that "bits" are all that important. What is more important is the bandwidth and how the filtering is implimented. The wider the bandwidth with the least amou... 
Single vs Multiple driver loudspeakers...
Twl: By the way, Nelson's comments about this being "the best sounding speaker he's ever heard" has a LOT to do with the linearity of it. After he was done combining equalization and amplifier loading characteristics, that speaker was VERY close t... 
SS Amp for Triangle Speakers
Joe: I was wondering if anybody was going to catch that. As far as calling Sam a "gentleman", maybe that's our problem. That is, it's hard to have a gentleman-like conversation between two people ( Sam & I in specific ) when neither of them is... 
Single vs Multiple driver loudspeakers...
I am NO fan of "sterile" sounding audio systems, regardless of how well they measure. Music is neither sterile or boring and in order to reproduce it as it was recorded, a system needs to maintain a high level of accuracy. Combining the two aspect... 
I think my RPTV went bye-bye
Sounds like a bad solder joint to me. Sean> 
SS Amp for Triangle Speakers
Wow. I must have been psychic on this thread. I was initially going to recommend NAD, but i thought you might be offended by such. After all, many people that were buying Triangle wouldn't really think about pairing it with NAD. Not knowing your b... 
Single vs Multiple driver loudspeakers...
Twl: I've heard Lowther's, but not to any great extent. I've also read the entire article that Nelson published. I've seen the response curves and have at least a decent idea of what it took to get that driver to do what it is doing. I can pretty ... 
An unusual problem that merits an unusual solution
I know that this is just a long shot, but have you ever verified that your AC outlets and your gear were properly polarized? Something else to think about is static electricity build up. This time of the year, the dry air and static can cause all ... 
SS Amp for Triangle Speakers
Reuben: While i've never heard the Triangle / Monarchy combo, i thought it would work quite well together based on past observations i've had with each individual brand. I'm glad to see my "guesstimate" was pretty much on the money. While there wa... 
Single vs Multiple driver loudspeakers...
Nelson is now marketing limited edition products specifically suited to the FR ( Lowther / Fostex ) crowd. As such, this was not only "research" for his products, but also the chance to have some fun and experiment at the same time for him. As you... 
Single vs Multiple driver loudspeakers...
El: You should start studying Walsh "Bending Wave" technology. It doesn't suffer from all of the problems that most conventional dynamic drivers that you have described do. No whizzers yet you can get very reasonable high frequency extension, exce...