
Responses from sean

Need help with Kinergetics Subs - Newbie
Have you tried swapping the cabinets around i.e. hook the existing right sub up to the left sub output on the amp and vice-versa? This will tell you if it is actually the cabinet or a problem in the amp. If it is the amp, then try swapping the int... 
Classe CA-400 amp trips
I agree with Jond's assessment i.e. that the BAT preamp is probably the culprit. If you look in the Agon archives, you'll find some similar threads with similar responses. Some of this has to do with the design of the product itself, not so much D... 
Home Spindle Lube Test
Thanks for clarifying where you were coming from Bob. Given the similar content and people participating in other threads, i ended up tying them all together as one. Your response was definitely on target to this specific thread but was lacking in... 
What do you do with Ayre?
Sd: I bet that is a pretty nice sounding system i.e. Ayre electronics feeding Goertz speaker cabling into Vandy's. I could see how that might impress as it sounds like a nice combo of equipment. Too bad Sammie isn't looking for speaker cables : )S... 
"High Current"
Until one has heard / experienced a system that is capable of such things, their standard of reference will be lower than someone that has had such an experience. Based on common sense, my previous education and a lack of exposure / experience, i ... 
Who will survive? One last table til I die.
Doppler shift would be measurable as a function of time delay. A shorter signal path would introduce less time delay, hence less potential for the Doppler effect to come into play. How many manufacturers have you ever seen quote "time delay" as a ... 
OHm micro walsh series...
The use of the word "coherent" in this specific sentence may not be the most appropriate word for what they are trying to describe: "The Ohm Walsh Loudspeakers utilize unconventional technology to provide a less expensive speaker which is substant... 
Home Spindle Lube Test
Metralla: If i said that i could levitate the Empire State Building on the internet without providing anything other than that statement as evidence, would you believe that? I'm NOT saying that Bob is a liar as he's never said anything that would ... 
Audiogon rocks with.......
Going from Counterpoint components to most of the newer Ayre gear would be a major step forward, at least in my opinion. One thing that you might want to try, and this may sound "weird" or "over the top" to some, is to try damping the tubes. Have ... 
Home Spindle Lube Test
Inpep: "Why are you restating things that I have already elucidated and then claiming that you were correct all the time?"Sean: Nothing that i've seen you post "corrected" anything that i originally stated. The product that i initially recommended... 
OHm micro walsh series...
Ohm's own literature / info on their current line of speakers clearly states that these speakers are NOT omni-directional. They may sound more "diffuse" than other designs though due to the lack of direct radiation from the inverted mid-woofer. Ot... 
Home Spindle Lube Test
Inpep: You obviously never read my original recommendations on the subject. If you had done so, we wouldn't have been having "the great debate" that we are now. Nor would others have been able to use your responses to me as "ammo" to try and under... 
"High Current"
El: I think that you missed the point. The ability to deliver the amount of "clean" power as needed in a timely fashion on a dynamic basis at any given frequency or impedance is what i'm talking about. The closer that one comes to achieving that g... 
Music news, reviews & interviews
I like quite a few different types of music and vary my listening habits with my mood. I'm sure that most others are the same way. Those that limit themselves to only one type of music are missing a lot of enjoyment. Sean> 
"High Current"
Morbius: You either don't understand what is being discussed here or aren't paying attention. I never said that the Krell won't meet spec's. What i did say is that we are discussing a different type of spec that Krell doesn't publish. For that mat...