
Responses from sean

How about a new addition to every posting made?
Not my idea. As mentioned, i liberated it from Audiocircle, so someone over there deserves the credit. I'm glad that others appear open to the idea. I would ask that if you like this idea, let's come up with exactly what features we want to be abl... 
Back into vinyl - part 1
Many wall wart type power supplies generate and radiate a sizeable amount of RF interference. This is going to become more and more of a problem as manufacturers slowly make the change from "standard" power supplies to switching power supplies. Se... 
Grouding question ?
Mitch: To me, that is a very half-assed attempt at grounding a system. It is not only unsafe, it takes a lot of things for granted. Here are the reasons why i say what i do:1) Using such an approach, all components are grounded through the chassis... 
TG Audio cables - Opinions?
I know that Brian of Essential Audio and the guys at the Tweak Shop sell Bob's line of TG Audio products. Don't know if either of them will be available during CES though. Hope this helps... Sean> 
Life expectancy of Interconnects & Speaker Cable?
If cables are poorly terminated, make use of low grade dielectrics, materials that inter-act with each other or are exposed to high levels of direct sunlight / thermal extremes, both physical and electrical degradation can take place. Under normal... 
A somewhat unusual request for PrePro help
Tony: I would assume that most any decent Pre/Pro has adjustable volume settings for each speaker position. When watching a movie, crank the center up. When listening to music, crank the center down. Simple enough.As far as finding a center channe... 
Why do mass marketed CD's sound so crappy?
Speaking of this, my girlfriend received the latest release from a band called "The Darkness". This disc sounds SO bad it is insane. I'm not just talking about the recording quality either : ) Sean> 
Looking for colored sound. . . I think.
NAD typically has a pretty soft and warm sound to it. Most of their gear is considered to be less than "articulate" or "overly detailed" sounding and tends to error on the "musical" side of neutral. If you are experiencing piercing highs with this... 
Please Help My TT is acting like a tuner
Rich62: The .01 cap acts as an RF bypass. It is also one of the values mentioned for use in the "DIY" parallel cap filtration system for one's AC system in another thread for this very reason. Given the very high gain of a phono section and the RF... 
A somewhat unusual request for PrePro help
Tony: 80% of the dialogue in a movie is typically fed through the center channel. While one can easily get away with running a "phantom" center channel, the use of an actual center speaker designed specifically to replicate speech can make a HUGE ... 
Subwoofer options for Klipsch La Scala
Boa2: I don't know if the specific mods i'm referring to can be can be found on the Klipsch website or in their forums. If you like, email me directly and i'll see what i can do about digging them up and forwarding them to you. Sean> 
Legacy 20/20 and Tubes
Dbld: My comments were based on hands-on experience with Legacy products and two independent reviews ( Australian Hi-Fi ) of two different Legacy products ( Legacy 20/20's & Signature III's ). The results obtained were published by industry pr... 
How does the Ayre System Enhancement CD work?
Drubin: I've used "pounding" heavy metal discs and other types of music at higher volumes for longer periods of time and gotten lesser results. As far demagnetization goes, i don't know if it does that or not. All i know is that seems to work wond... 
Subwoofer options for Klipsch La Scala
There are mods that one can do to the La Scala's to REALLY bring up the bottom end. Depending on which driver you have in your La Scala's and whether or not you want to keep it sealed or go vented, you can pick up another +6 - +10 dB's of addition... 
How does the Ayre System Enhancement CD work?
Swampwalker: After rebuilding my Father's speakers, my Brother and i listened to them. To be quite frank, they sounded like hell. My Brother was worried that we had done something wrong i.e. that the speakers were worse than when we started. I tol...