
Responses from sean

DIY Room Acoustics
Everything that Tom states is a "sound idea" : ) You can also check into Jon Risch's website for other DIY absorption devices that can be built for very reasonable costs. Sean> 
Cough vigilante
HAHAHAHAH....... I really don't listen to much "live" recordings of classical music at all, but have noticed the same thing. The local classical station ( WFMT Chicago ) was broadcasting a concert and it was LOADED with hackers, chokers and wheeze... 
YBA a Alpha HC
Everyone that i know that owns YBA gear has NO regrets about buying it. While some of them have ended up selling some of those pieces, they have nothing bad to say about them whatsoever. They just wanted something "different" and that's what i thi... 
What is the meaning of a true audiophile
HAHHAHAHAhAh !!!! Djjd was posting that at the same time i did mine. That one kicks ass !!!! Sean> 
What is the meaning of a true audiophile
A customer of mine who knows that i have great interests in music and audio gear once asked me if i was a music lover or an audiophile ??? I asked them to clarify what their understanding of the two terms were. He said "in terms of reproduction of... 
Hey Trelja........
Thanks for filling in the gaps. While i haven't listened to all of those that you did comparisons with, i can agree with the basic statements that you made about the MF gear. It is very clean, clear, detailed, etc.... but just doesn't have any "bo... 
Anyone received a Millenium DAC II ??
I too have been waiting on one of these. Ric told me that i would have mine the first week of February yet i've still heard nothing from him. Now here's the "scary" thing. The original "comments" about the Millenium II were made by "Mel". He found... 
New Age, Neo-Celtic, World Beat Music
Hey Craig, do you like any "harder" Celtic influenced music ??? I do agree that Loreena Mc has some great stuff. Not real familiar with most of the other stuff mentioned though. Sean 
Burn In = Voodoo?
Jim's post is FAR too sensible to be listed in this forum : ) Most of the stuff that he listed ( CD "stabilizing rings", markering the edges, etc...) all DETRACT from disc readability. The only thing that i've found to make a noticeable improvemen... 
Leave amps on or off?
I think that this topic has been covered in depth many times over. Anybody that has done comparisons will tell you that SS amps sound best after being on for at least 24+ hours. They also last longer being left on all the time (all things being eq... 
Regardless of the power rating of your Yamaha, those speakers WILL suck up a lot of power. The more that you have, the cleaner, clearer, louder and less stressed it will sound all things being equal. As previously mentioned, DO NOT bridge an amp i... 
FM antenna made simple
Glad that it is working out a little better for you. The reason that i said to mount it in the window was for specific reasons. If it is mounted in the middle of a window, it is not REAL close to any metal that might detune it plus it is still ind... 
Ethics of last minute auction "poaching"
Cutting in line ? Hardly. Doug's basic premise is NOT what an auction is about. Putting in bids "in an orderly fashion" would be just like the seller "taking offers" in a specific order. If that is what the seller wanted to do, they would have don... 
Measuring Vibration in Equipment
I was recently wondering about this myself. I would LOVE to be able to conduct some tests dealing with this subject. Sean> 
Vintage Marantz
Phild, i do not want to modify them for the "collectability" issue. Should i decide to keep them, i will do as Rushton has done and go through them piece by piece. At this point in time, i think that they'll be gone in less than a week or two judg...