
Responses from sean

FM antenna made simple
I have to agree with Sgmlaw here for the most part. Getting a good outdoor antenna mounted up high with a low loss feedline that is carefully routed is what we should all be striving for. A large Yagi on a rotor would be optimum, but well beyond w... 
FM antenna made simple
PS........ Sorry for the novel and some of the wording errors. I hope you got the idea. Sean> 
FM antenna made simple
Here is a simple approach that works quite well in many installations. It is a "quick and dirty" vertical center fed dipole antenna that should easily outperform the "T" antenna that your using or even one of those fancy $80 antennas from Fanfare ... 
Amp For Kinergetics SW800 s
From my experience and what most manufacturers say, running bridged amps into very low impedances is a big no-no. While i know guys that have done it, your speakers would present a pretty demanding load under those conditions. In effect, bridged a... 
Speaker Cable Length
My experience on the Goertz cables is to stick with the MI-2's instead of the MI-3's. Those were the exact cables that i referenced in my above post. Keep in mind that you would be adding even more capacitance to an already capacitive load. Either... 
Speaker Cable Length
The effects of cable length are more apparent on some cables than others. This has to do with their geometry and dielectric materials more than anything. Cables that are of a high inductance design ( zip cord ) will show increased high frequency r... 
Best and Worst customer service?
Hey Shaq, try calling B & K and ask for Jerry. They have an 800 number that can probably be found in the Audiogon manufacturers forum. Jerry will help you out with ANYTHING that you need to know and do it in a down to earth fashion. VERY good ... 
Electrocompaniet EMC-1
I listened to this player and found it to sound very nice. During the demo that i heard it in, it absolutely beat up on the Sony SCD-1 playing standard "redbook" CD's. Sean> 
demagnitizing CD s?
Albert, Thank You for reinforcing the "let's keep an open mind" cause here on Audiogon. While aluminum may not be a magnetic property in itself, have you ever built up a static charge by lazily walking across PLASTIC ( nylon, polyester, polyolefin... 
"warm " full rangespeakers ,II
I don't think that most of these folks would consider the Hales or the JM Labs to be on the "warm" side. I'm sure that they are not bad speakers but just aren't appropriate candidates for that category. Sean> 
Fast Amplifier
Your findings are only limited by the equipment that you've used and have seen in production. There were prototype amps made back in the early 80's that slewed at 1000 V / uS and had rise times as fast as those mentioned for the preamp in my previ... 
Do loudspeakers need to be Refurbished?
The things that change the most in speakers would be their suspension and capacitors in the crossover. Inductors (coils) should remain constant unless something drastic has happened to them. I do agree that the biggest breakthroughs in "modern" sp... 
Fast Amplifier
I think that most everybody has hit upon certain design aspects that are all quite valid. Macm brought up some simple yet good observations. Gmkowal also mentioned an interesting viewpoint that has proponents on both sides of the fence. This stanc... 
Amplifier caps
There are DUMB questions but an HONEST question is never dumb. Sean > 
High Efficiency Speakers
While the musical types that you listed don't really require extended bottom end, keep in mind that Lowther's will never really do deep bass without some help. Sean >