
Responses from sean

WAY too much to think about. I have over 20 amplifiers, almost a dozen pre's, several DAC's ( tube & SS ), a couple of transports, several CD players ( tubes and SS ), over a dozen sets of speakers, about 8 tuners, etc.. I think that you get t... 
nordost cable burn in device
While i'm not sure, i think that the Nordost "burner" ramps the level of the signal up and down whereas the Mobie keeps the signal at a constant level. As such, the Mobie should be more effective due to a higher average power level being present a... 
sweet spot hell
Jdwek, please re-read my statements. I said that as you use more toe in, you narrow the SOUNDSTAGE. This is quite a bit different than the "sweet spot". I would like to thank you for confirming most of my findings though. While every room and spea... 
sweet spot hell
Not that one is better than the other here ( personal preference ), but the more "toe in" that is used in setting up the speakers, the narrower the soundstage. Whether running the speakers "flat faced" or "toe'd in", this also affects the frequenc... 
sweet spot hell
Here's a list of things that KILL a wide "sweet spot", "imaging" and "soundstage":(1) Improper speaker placement(2) Improper listening position(3) Improper selection of speakers in terms of type or size for that specific listening area(4) Poor roo... 
Perpetual vs EVS millenium II for CAL
I too have been listening to the Millennium II. The system that i put it into was stone cold and had not been used in a week or two, so EVERYTHING is warming up. So far, it does sound pretty good for coming right out of the box. As a side note, Ri... 
Trelja in New York
I basically agree with Trelja's stance. Since we all SHOULD know that the acoustics are less than spectacular, one HAS to read between the lines of any description of gear. This is NO different than reading a review in a magazine. Check out a vari... 
HT vs. stereo pre-amps again
Doug, i've been "halfway" looking for a decent processor to try with the Marsh via the tape loop. I am aware of having to do the "dual volume balancing act" using this method. Given the results that i've gotten using this preamp for two channel us... 
Ground Loop - New Twist?
No reason at all not to disconnect inside the amp at the IEC and thanks for bringing that up. I forgot to mention it. I would caution that even though an amp might not be plugged in, you can still get "whacked" from the power supply reserve stored... 
Whatever happened to Enid?
Bringing things up like this sometimes helps to figure out where someone is coming from and better understand their train of thought. Good to see that we're all looking at things from the same perspective. Even as "nuts" or "goofy" as we get, Enid... 
How do people dust their systems?
You guys got it ALL wrong. "Dusty" and "dirty" eqipment is a perfect excuse to get something new : ) After all, would your wife wear a shabby looking ring or necklace ??? Sean> 
HT vs. stereo pre-amps again
I'm still in the same boat as you in the fact that i'm looking for a preamp / processor that does both HT & music at a reasonable price. I've tried several of the "mid-fi" processors ( Parasound 1800, Marantz 9000, Denon 8000, Carver, etc..) a... 
Cable Supenders - Anyone Try Vibrapods?
You can buy ceramic "cable hangers" at any decent electrical supply house, farm & fleet or large "warehouse" type hardware store. These are the SAME thing as the "audio approved" Cable Suspenders and run between $3 - $5 apiece. Price is NOT a ... 
Dunlavy vs Coincident
I tried emailing Israel a couple of times with no response. Even though i did my best to reassure him that i was NOT a competitor or manufacturer of any type, he probably thought that giving such information as to specific make and model of the dr... 
what to upgrade
While i do see room for improvement like any other system in existence, you don't mention any of the cables that you're using, size and acoustics of the room, type of music that you listen to or exactly what is wrong / what you're looking to impro...