
Responses from sean

Has anyone listened to Legacy speakers?
I don't want to get this thread any further off topic than we already have taken it. As such, let's try a fresh thread on the topic. This way, others can chime in and share their experiences. Sean> 
need help with choosing right cables
Let's dissect this logically.Pioneer = Lean My experience is that most every "commercial" DVD player comes across as sounding somewhat lean. MSB = Lean This product has a tendency to sound somewhat etched and slightly forward in the upper midrange... 
Impedance matching for preamp and amp
While we are talking slightly different circuitry here, my experience is that a microphone with an output impedance of 600 - 700 ohms loads perfectly acceptable into an appr. 2K impedance. As such, i would think that what you describe should work ... 
Star Grounding
I am not familiar with the term "star ground". Can you explain what it is your trying to do or achieve ? Maybe from your description, we might be able to understand a little better. Sean> 
John Dunlavy On "Cable Nonsense"
Why wouldn't "lamp cord" be a good idea ??? It is using the same low grade stranded copper and generic "plastic" type jacket that many "speaker cables" or "zip cord" uses. Are you trying to say that there MIGHT be a sonic difference between them ?... 
I live in a large cement room...
I stand by my statements pertaining to the non-linearities of foam. This even applies to "professional grade acoustic foam". If you don't believe me, read what one of the foremost experts in the acoustic industry has to say: RPG.http://www.audioad... 
Has anyone listened to Legacy speakers?
Muller, as i told you when i briefly listened to your system, your speakers sounded FAR better to me than the Legacy 1's or Classic's. I was being completely honest and sincere in those statements. I hope that you took them as so.Other than that, ... 
I am Not hurting anything right ??
Try reading Jon Risch's website regarding the "technicalese" on bi-wiring. As to bi-wiring feeding the same signal to both sets of terminals, that is not necessarily so. On a speaker that is TRULY designed to be bi-wired, the two sections are comp... 
DIY Subwoofer
Here is a comparison of several different drivers in different alignments. looking at any woofer spec's, ALWAYS take a look at the impedance at resonance. The higher the impedance, ... 
How many dedicated lines?
You can do a dedicated "ground" for your audio system so long as EVERYTHING connected to it is on the same ground. In other words, using a dedicated ground for just the amps and then having your sources, preamp, etc... tied into the common house g... 
John Dunlavy On "Cable Nonsense"
Grungle, do a simple test. Simply compare some standard 12 gauge "monster" type speaker wire to some Kimber 4PR in YOUR system. There should be no major difference as they are both reasonable gauge, low resistance conductors. You can do this regar... 
Has anyone listened to Legacy speakers?
Trelja, could you tell us how you REALLY feel ??? : )No, i have never worked on any Focus'. I have been told that they use some very low grade wiring internally though. I do know that some of the wiring that they used to use had REAL problems with... 
Going Topless
Bob & Plato bring up some interesting points. On top of what they stated about the weight of a steel chassis, one also has to think about rigidity and overall strength. When one looks at the amount of posts on the web about goods damaged in sh... 
System sounds different, depending...
You might want to invest in a small meter that can monitor your line voltage. If you are experiencing differences in line voltage, your system CAN change performance levels. Depending on how your amp / preamp is designed (unregulated, loosely regu... 
Has anyone listened to Legacy speakers?
Lak has probably got the two best models that they build ( in my opinion ). The Studio uses the same "mid-woofer" that the highly reviewed ( and excellent sounding ) $4000+ two way Legend mini-monitors use. As to the Signature III's, they use a co...