
Responses from sean

Equipment Set-up Recommendations?
Raul: Sorry about that. I misunderstood what you were saying. I thought that you were saying that this is NOT a tangential tracking air bearing arm, not that it wasn't a Air Tangent ( specific make / model of arm ). My bad... Sean> 
Review of Dartzeel NHB-108 Amplifier
Any multi-strand braided cable is going to have some amount of smearing to it, but my thoughts are that Cinematic's system isn't anywhere near up to the task of critiquing Jena's cabling. First of all, the Behringer pieces have a very distinct "SS... 
isolation transformer vs line conditioner
"We are senior electrical engineering PhD students. We know the difference between dirty and clean waveforms."I would hope so, but then again, that's why i asked. The mass majority of inverters on the market aren't typically known for being "clean... 
Is SACD a dead format?
I've seen more SACD's at my local Best Buy's within the last several weeks than i have ever seen in the past. Some of them are even current releases from popular artists, not just re-issues of past recordings from has-been's. I typically check the... 
isolation transformer vs line conditioner
An autoformer is simply an impedance matching device, whereas a transformer can be both a power transfer device and / or an impedance matching device. Then again, anything that alters impedance WILL alter power transfer to some extent, so one can ... 
isolation transformer vs line conditioner
Aball: I would be curious as to the specifics of the make, model and specifics of your testing procedures. Given proper selection, a transformer can do good or bad things to the waveform. In case you haven't noticed, many "high end" manufacturers ... 
Equipment Set-up Recommendations?
Raul: "Anyway, the MG-1 is not an Air Tangent"What in the world are you talking about here??? Sean> 
Is it worth purchasing the VPI 16.5?
Owning two VPI 16.5's and a NG 1.5FI, i would probably recommend that someone interested in buying a machine of this nature check into the SOTA LP Cleaner. In this regards, Nate aka Nrchy was right on the money in his previous posts. One should ba... 
Vandersteen 5a's - an upgrade from Vienna mahlers?
Dunlavy's have some inherit design flaws that can only be ameliorated by designing the height of the room around them. This has to do with room nodes and room reinforcement. The same goes for any speaker that uses a woofer that is measurably above... 
Vandersteen 5a's - an upgrade from Vienna mahlers?
Downunder mentions that the Mahler's list at $10K where he is located ( Australia i would assume ). While i don't know how much Vandy 5's run "down under", there might not be as much of a price difference as was initially mentioned. I guess it wou... 
Vandersteen 5a's - an upgrade from Vienna mahlers?
The very first words of my first post read "IN MY PERSONAL OPINION, a properly set up pair of Vandy 5's would be a major leap forward". I shared my opinion and then expounded on it when asked to do so. Others with different opinions and / or prefe... 
Equipment Set-up Recommendations?
Gregadd: You solved the problem by avoiding the problem. That is, you purchased a real turntable with real engineering behind it. This is not to say that it is a perfect machine, but that it had taken far more steps in the right direction than man... 
Vandersteen 5a's - an upgrade from Vienna mahlers?
I have listened to both speakers, but not in the same systems or rooms. Having said that, i've always found the bass of the larger Vienna Acoustics speakers to be very round, sloppy and ill-defined i.e. the trademark of a very poorly designed vent... 
Bang and Olufsen
Quite a few pieces of older Bang & Olufsen electronics has found its' way into various museums and art galleries around the world. Sonically, this is probably the best place for it : ) Their latest and greatest speakers are supposed to be very... 
Vandersteen 5a's - an upgrade from Vienna mahlers?
In my personal opinion, a properly set up pair of Vandy 5's would be a major leap forward. The fact that you can tailor the bass response of the Vandy's, either to best suit your room acoustics or your personal listening preferences, is of massive...