
Responses from sean

Irving Bud Fried has died
I am sorry to hear of Mr Fried's passing and offer my condolensces to all of his family, friends and loved one's. Hopefully, he's joined some of the other great audio innovators like Saul Marantz, Paul Klipsch, Henry Kloss, etc... that went before... 
I need a speakercable that bring voices forward me
Sheesh. We should call this thread "Star Trek". That's because it has gone where no others have before it : )Grisslehamn: I don't think that Audioquest makes a cable like you describe. At least not from my experience. If you want to try something ... 
Speltz Anti Cables
Bradz: I'm not Jkuc, but i have compared cabling that is very similar in nature to Paul's Anti-Cables to AP Oval 9's. All i will say is that having the AP Oval 9's in one of my systems produced some of the worst listening that i've ever had to end... 
Paul Speltz speaker cables
Jkuc: Depending on how one configures the geometry of the "Anti-Cables", they can very easily introduce a lack of spacial cues and high frequency information. That's because as one spaces cables further apart, they increase the inductance. As one ... 
15" vs 18" subwoofer - which to buy?
El: Thanks for taking the time to perform this second set of tests. I would only comment that a loudspeaker works much like an inductive electrical motor i.e. voltage is fed into a coil and the resultant fluctuations in magnetic field create motio... 
Legacy Classics and bottom end?
Entrope brings up a good point, but in kind of an indirect manner. That is, specific rooms can really compound specific loudspeaker non-linearities. That is, placing a speaker with large frequency response deviations in output inside of a room tha... 
15" vs 18" subwoofer - which to buy?
If you are going to test a sub, try to get the meter as close as possible to try and eliminate room nodes. Otherwise, the linearity that you measured last time will be thrown out the window. The room itself will have a "knee in the curve" in terms... 
15" vs 18" subwoofer - which to buy?
El: Thanks for taking the time to not only perform the testing that you did, but for sharing the results with us. I look forward to your confirming both your earlier test results and my prior comments in your next post : ) Sean>PS... Try a band... 
New journey - Samsung HD841 Universal Player
Ptm: I kind of zoomed through the entire thread in one sitting, so some things might have initially slipped past me. Thanks for taking the time that you did to both compile the part listings and values, post the photos that you did, etc... It was ... 
New journey - Samsung HD841 Universal Player
I read the entire thread at AudioCircle. Given the continued references to the modified DIO and the Samsung / Toshiba basically equalling it in performance after these mods, i will probably go another route with mine should i decide to keep it. I ... 
Legacy Classics and bottom end?
Take a thick wool sock, ball it up and then completely wrap it up in cellophane wrap aka "saran wrap". Shove this into the port with the open side of the saran wrap firing out of the port. The thick foam that you are using will only change the por... 
15" vs 18" subwoofer - which to buy?
A driver has both a mechanical suspension and thermal losses. Until you can overcome the majority of losses in both of those areas via increased drive levels, the driver itself won't be running in the region where it has the greatest linearity. At... 
New journey - Samsung HD841 Universal Player
Bob: I checked the link at AudioCircle and just got done reading your initial assessments of the player as posted over at AA. I have to say that we seem to be in very close agreement on most everything in terms of sonic detail. I do want to mentio... 
15" vs 18" subwoofer - which to buy?
Bag End's are designed COMPLETELY different from ANY other subwoofer made. As such, they will respond differently. The one thing that will be consistent with Bag End's regardless of size as compared to other subs is that they will require more pow... 
Legacy Classics and bottom end?
The original Legacy 1's had a switch that controlled the upper bass region. This came into play at about 180 Hz if i remember, which was too high to do any good. Most of the larger Legacy's have a big peak centered at appr 100 - 110 Hz, save the W...