
Responses from sean

Anyone use a Ringmat on a TT
My experience is that the poorer the suspension of the table, the more beneficial the Ringmat will be. Tables that can't properly drain air-borne vibrations or lack isolation from floor-borne energy may respond positively to tweaks like the Ringma... 
Brought to you by Simmons
Speaking of Simmons and beds, here's a link that may be worth a laugh or too. Those that are squeamish shouldn't click on THIS LINK. Those that have got a sense of humour will probably get at least a chuckle out of it. Sean>PS... Gunbei and Mar... 
King of the Hill
Sheesh, how disappointing these threads have been. First of all, i see the thread "brought to you by Simmons" and i was thinking it was by Gene Simmons. Now i find this thread and it has nothing to do with Hank Hill. Talk about let-downs... Sean> 
Brought to you by Simmons
Hmmm... I've had a similar experience to that of Danlib's with the Select Comfort beds. That is, when we first got it, my girlfriend LOVED it and i disliked it. After having it for some period of time, i've come to find that it's not that bad. Hav... 
buying today,need your thoughts
Playing "loud enough" and "sounding good" while doing it are two different things. Most good sized speakers hit a brick wall at somewhere around 105 - 108 dB's at an appr 8' - 10' listening distance. Momentary peaks may be higher, but if you try t... 
One of the best tweeters ever, whatever happened?
I don't know if Linnaeum is still in business or not. I've still got several of these tweeters in the boxes but have never really messed with them.As to the article that you mention as written by Dick Olsher, i would be curious as to where this ca... 
Paul Speltz speaker cables
Bradz: See my response to you in the other "Anti Cables" speaker thread. As to my previous comment about "strange things" going on, the only thing "strange" is me. I forgot that there were two different threads on this same topic, hence my confusi... 
Speltz Anti Cables
Bradz: I can't give you any type of "set in stone" statements as to what to expect with the "Anti-Cables" because their physical and electrical characteristics are anything but consistent in nature. While they will surely "work" in your system, i ... 
Do materials alter frequencies and speed?
Rsbeck: We've been through this before. The test results published for frequency response do not take into account impedance variations whatsoever. As i've posted before based on figures extrapolated from the data that they provided, "zip cord" ca... 
Paul Speltz speaker cables
I've received many emails about the subject of wire geometry / configuration, but i don't want to taint this thread any further than i already have. At the same time, i don't want to respond to a dozen individual emails either as it doesn't serve ... 
I need a speakercable that bring voices forward me
I didn't know that muggers, robbers and thieves deserved tips. That's what i was referring to in my post, not being hassled or blown off by waiters and waitresses. As to German's being "poor tippers", their culture / pay rates in the customer serv... 
Shielding for FM tuner?
Not only are there different size ferrite chokes, but there are also different grades of ferrite. On top of that, there is NOWHERE near the amount of RF leakage coming out of ANY audio related device to ever "saturate" any of the common ferrite's ... 
Imaging Problem: Blinding Flash of the Obvious
Here's where a cheap electronic room correction device like a Behringer, etc... can work wonders. You can either install it into the system permanently and let it do its' thing OR use it to take readings and then adjust the speakers to minimize th... 
Do materials alter frequencies and speed?
Thank you Bob. Coming from an EE with an open mind and years of audio experience, your summary was both brief and technically excellent ( as usual ). I couldn't have said it any better and i surely couldn't have done it as briefly as you did. Kudo... 
Paper Cones in HiFi?
Bobby's response is beautiful as it is both to the point and technically excellent. Then again, he speaks from years of first hand experience in the field of speaker design and manufacturing, so he should know these things. Obviously, he does : ) ...