
Responses from sean

Checking the AC polarity of your amplifier
Running balanced AC to some gear and not to others within the same system is the same thing as introducing a ground loop. That's because the difference in voltage potential from hot to neutral varies with the way that each component is receiving t... 
Do many CD players also have digital inputs?
OOPS!!! That should have read that it has a digital input, but no digital output. Sorry... Sean> 
Do many CD players also have digital inputs?
The Adcom GCD-750 has a digital input, but no digital input. This is kind of a curious set-up, but it may work well for your specific needs and can be had for about $500 - $600 on Agon. Sean> 
MG-1 Air Bearing Tonearm? Anyone experience it?
Paul, why not use a canister near the TT and mount the pump in a completely different location? You can build a pretty good sized resevoir for a few bucks out of PVC and a couple of brass pipe fittings. This will not only help to stabilize and reg... 
port shape - circle vs. thin slot, why?
Dnewhous: B&W also has a set-up like this on some of their smaller speakers. As to my thoughts on this, i think that it adds versatility to the speaker. I also think that neither tuning would be optimum as each type of bass alignment requires ... 
Checking the AC polarity of your amplifier
One of my friends was using a preamp that i was very familiar with. We discussed a few things over the phone and i told him that he had the polarity reversed on the preamp. I told him how to verify this and once he checked it, it was reversed as i... 
Best location for isolation cones.
Jburidan: Keeping one's ears level with the tweeter is an old wive's tale. Some designs work best with your ears above, some below, some sitting even with the tweeter. This has to do with the cabinet design ( acoustic center of the drivers ) and m... 
port shape - circle vs. thin slot, why?
Slot loading tends to reduce port noise, which is derived from turbulence within the port. Depending on how the slots are achieved, it can also be less costly and time consuming for the manufacturer to achieve as compared to a tuned duct. The best... 
Checking the AC polarity of your amplifier
On some components with advanced power supply designs, "balanced power" will lower the performance quite noticeably. Before investing in such a device, you should check with the manufacturer of each component to find out if is suitable for use wit... 
Plinius sa250 overheating
Linnlp12: It's possible that the Shunyata was able to deliver a higher level of current to your amp on a faster basis than your original cord was capable of. Due to the huge demands that in-rush current places on the AC system, blowing the fuses m... 
60 WPC sufficient power?
Look for quality first and then try to find the quantity that you need. There's no doubt in my mind that you could go down in power and get better sound without losing much in terms of total SPL. In fact, you might find that with a better quality ... 
Proper method when rack is not on cement floor
I would take steps to shore up the area underneath the speakers and / or rack areas as best possible, wherever that might be. Once you've got those areas as solid as possible within reason and WAF, anything else would be icing on the cake. As to t... 
amp/Speaker bass output
Both your ARC and Classe' are somewhat lean sounding pieces, which combined with the Apogees, probably really makes this noticeable. You can try to band-aid the system with cabling, but you might be better off assessing what you think is the weake... 
Upgrade in five channel amplifier
Get rid of the Classe' and find a suitable preamp or preamp / processor. It is my experience that most Pre / Pro's suck the life out of music. Whatever you choose to go with, make sure that you run the preamp to power amp in balanced mode. When do... 
Amplifier recommendation for Legacy Focus 20/20
A Sunfire Signature is a worthy amp to consider for these speakers. It is very high in current capacity, can drive any load that you throw at it and offers the versatility of two slightly different sounds via the voltage and current taps. One can ...