
Responses from sean

A quick question?
If you have any products that make use of a non-polarized two prong plug, try reversing that and see what happens. It might not specifically be the C-J that is humming but a combination of equipment connected to it. Sean> 
Words From the Wise
1. Always think of your system as a SYSTEM. You and it are only as strong as the weakest link. In other words, don't think that skimping in one spot can be made up elsewhere in the chain. It can't. Sooner or later, the "sore spot" will reveal itse... 
Shipping: A lesson learned
Derrick, you're just not having ANY luck lately are you ? : ( Sean> 
breaking in a dac
Yeah Kelly, PLEASE do keep us posted on that. I'm with Bob on his thoughts as we've both seen / measured drift in digital gear as it goes from cold to fully stable. This is besides the fact that most of us think analogue sounds best after a day or... 
Best MTV Unplugged?
Out of all of these mentioned, which ones ARE available to purchase ? While i would primarily be looking for CD's, i'm sure some other might want DVD's. Any good source to buy these from online ? While i'm not a HUGE Nirvana fan, i had to buy the ... 
CAL Delta or Theta Data II as transport?
I posed a similar question on the Asylum several months ago. The nice thing about this is that i did receive very good advice from all concerned. Proof that those that enjoy this hobby may be "snobs" to those that aren't "hi-enders" but are quite ... 
Walking that fine line: What would you do ?
After doing some thinking, i have noticed the "recording artifacts" that i mentioned many times before. As it turns out, the factor that brought this back to my attention is that my girlfriend has been home from work. Since i typically listen to t... 
breaking in a dac
"regulator interconnect" should've read "regular interconnect". Sorry if you followed my directions and you blew something up : )I forgot to mention congrat's to you Kelly. Hope you enjoy your new "gadget" and it does everything that you think it ... 
How much money do you want to waste?
Steve, you forgot that E-stat's use step up transformers. Since a transformer is ( typically ) a coil of wire, you've once again got the same type of situation to deal with. Other than that, your train of thought is completely logical. Even though... 
Volume settings affect on speaker cable burn in ?
SAFELY ( notice that this is the very first word and the only one that is highlighted ) make up some adapters that will plug into the wall and then connect to your speaker cables. On the other end of your speaker cables, connect an adapter that fe... 
Walking that fine line: What would you do ?
The amp that i lent out ( Sunfire rated at 300 @ 8 / 600 @ 4 ) was not what i ultimately favored in this system. That honor goes to any of the Forte' 3's or Forte' 6's that i own ( i have 2 of each ). All of the Forte's are relatively rich Class A... 
DAC recommendations
There was a member selling a AN 1.2 ($1.3K), a much more expensive Meitner DAC ($3.8K) and an EVS Millennium II ($1050). After speaking to him, he told me that the Millennium II from EVS was the best of the three. He is now looking at a DAC that c... 
Any Suggestions for a Test/Set-up CD
Charlie, is there a good source on the net to pick this disc up ? Sean> 
breaking in a dac
All components will "settle in" somewhat. The more signal that they pass, the faster that would occur. Since a DAC isn't passing much signal at all, you can speed up the process by simply rigging up a dummy load using the appropriate value resisto... 
Walking that fine line: What would you do ?
I've been at this stage before, but never to the point of having SO much of both aspects of sound reproduction ( musicality and accuracy ) at he same time. It usually either leaned one way ( musical ) or the other ( analytical ) to some degree. I ...