
Responses from sean

200w/ch stereo amps: best 1 for under 2000 used?
While i have NO idea as to what type of music you listen to, the volume levels that you want to achieve, the listening distance that you want to achieve them at, the tonal balance of the source and speakers, etc.. I will say that you need a LOT of... 
Which speakers do the hologram thing?
While i'm not knocking ANY specific speaker brand or type, i've seen a lot of "love" towards the Soundlabs ( probably deservedly so, but i don't know ). How can a speaker that radiates sound in phase on one side and out of phase on the other side ... 
15 amps or 20 amps outlet
That's good advice Glen, especially given the size of the amp. I would further add that they should make sure that if they do two dedicated circuits, both of them should be tied into the same side / phase on the mains and share a common ground bet... 
High Quality Outlets Where to get them??
Do a search in the Cable Asylum archives as there have been TONS of threads on this subject. There is a specific Pass & Seymour that seems to be the hands down winner in terms of "budget" receptacles. The next step seems to be an Acme unit. Ke... 
Power Line Conditioners
While the Sunfire amps are very efficient overall, they still need an unrestricted view of the outlet to work best. The DBX is not nearly as efficient and will always want to pull measurably more juice for the same volume level. Since anything tha... 
Best Amp for Vandy 3A's under 3000 Used?
Richard told me face to face that he personally likes and recommends ARC tube products for use with his speakers. Being a man of his word, I saw him demo the 5's at Hi-Fi 99 with an all ARC "glow in the dark" system. Then again, that was a whole 2... 
Amp Testing vs. speaker safety
I do not recommend doing this. Keep in mind that the output impedance of most SS amps is well under 1 ohm. Given that your speakers are probably at least 4 ohms nominally, there would be less resistance feeding back into the amp than going into th... 
Modifying a Pioneer Elite PD-65......
The PD-65 works better as a transport than it does as a player. The limitation as a player is due to the fact that it makes use of Pioneer's proprietary DAC's. These are not as good of performers as some other DAC's that are available. As to doing... 
Which speakers do the hologram thing?
While horns have never been known for "imaging", i was quite amazed at how solidly images were anchored when listening to a pair of Avant-Garde's. The "mid-sized" Pipe Dreams also had excellent imagery. Both of these were very stable and pinpoint.... 
15 amps or 20 amps outlet
In theory, a 20 amp outlet SHOULD be a little beefier. I would go that route if the price difference is minimal. Sean> 
New Virus starting to run wild
Yeah, you could buy a Mac. Then all you would have to do is be able to find all the programs that you want to run. While this is not a problem for me ( since i don't have a Mac ), i know others that have run into this situation. They've gotten "up... 
Has anyone else ever reached an audio impasse?
YOW !!!! You bring up a good point about checking our electrical systems and checking what our insurance policies will cover. While i just changed a few outlets myself, i can imagine how fast your buddy's jaw dropped and heart sank when he saw wha... 
New Virus starting to run wild
Sorry for not getting back to you sooner. Norton had a fix for this one on 12/19, so you should be good. I was working on installing a new puter and i'm finally done. Now all i have to do is clean up the rest of the room : ( Sean> 
Triphazers - Use them?
Albert, i think that Music Direct carries them with a 30 day money back guarantee. I have read absolute raves about these products although i have NO idea as to what they do. I used to think that they were some type of "network box" like MIT's use... 
Solid core vs multistranded digital interconnect.
A brief article in Sound & Vision ( hardly reference material, but...), November 2001 page 115 talks about using solid wire over stranded wire for video usage. As you know, video requires much wider bandwidth than audio and is more finicky due...