
Responses from sean

Wingate 4000A
This was supposedly a Class A amp that was rated at 200 @ 8 and 400 @ 4. I know the specs were very good on it, but never heard one. Out of curiosity, where did you see it and what were they asking ? Sean> 
Girl diagnoses & solves mechanical problem
Good for you Sarah !!! I'm sure that you deserve a hearty pat on the back and a "THANK YOU" from Mr Bloom for not sending them back. Now swing some of that pride over to anger and call up Mr Bloom. Ask him how long he burned these in for while mak... 
vmps, art d/io, &
The Chicago Audio Society did a "shoot-out" comparing the Art Dio to an Electrocompaniet all in one cd player. Of course, they used the Electro as the transport into the Dio. From what our newsletter said, the Electro was picked as sounding better... 
what is the best sub amp.
A friend of mine who has had a LOT of different amps and a LOT of different multi-driver subwoofer arrays thinks that the Eagle's produce the best bass out of all that he's had. Maybe not the most powerful in terms of sheer grunt, but the tightest... 
How do you determine how much to spend on speakers
Here's a basic breakdown:$400 for a Tuner. You NEED a tuner whether you think so or not. You WILL use it a lot more than you think you would. Look for a Magnum Dynalabs 101. These can be found for $3-400 if you look around. These are both sensitiv... 
FM antennae recommendations please?
I'm doing some testing on a couple of different FM antennas and should have the results this weekend. The Magnum is included in this bunch. I would imagine that a BIC Beam Box would work well for you. These are no longer in production but can be f... 
Does Your Computer Sound Like a Jet Engine?????
Out of curiosity, what OS are you "computer geeks" using on a daily basis with your souped up puters ? Us "audio geeks" wanna know : ) Sean> 
Question for users of bare wire ends speaker cable
Bare wire is SUPPOSEDLY best. This takes into consideration that the metals being used ( wire material and speaker terminal i.e. binding post, spring terminal ) don't react to each other. Dissimilar metals tend to corrode quickly. To help protect ... 
35 and 40 ft runs-Balanced will be expensive
Just because a studio or pro uses something, that does not make it "good". It just means that it works and will get the job done. How many "studio" recordings have you heard that sounded horrible ? Do you think that they specifically mixed them to... 
35 and 40 ft runs-Balanced will be expensive
You could easily build some high quality balanced cables at the length that you need for well under $200 total. At that length, balanced is the only option that i would think about. Speaker cables or RCA's of the same length would not be an option... 
Does Your Computer Sound Like a Jet Engine?????
It used to sound like a jet engine. Then i filled the tower with J.B. Weld. One might think that the puter would stop working, but it actually runs much faster. All of the JB solidified and now acts as a heatsink. Who needs a fan ???? I was thinki... 
Do I need a Surround Sound Preamp or Processor
Another alternative route would be to find a DVD player that has a processor built into it. You could then directly hook the outputs of the DVD directly into an amp and go from there. The DVD player will have complete settings for independent outp... 
If you weren't at the CES 2002, check this...
Hueske, some of the demo's are hit and miss. You might stumble into a room and think "man, this is nirvana" and then come back later to have your ears bleed. It all depends on the source material. Sometimes this is done at the request of a consume... 
Anything exciting at CES?
Vegasears, the bottom line about the Pioneer is "does it sound good, on ALL sources" ? Sound and Vision just reviewed the Apex "all in one" multi source digital player and it is a piece of junk ( much as i suspected ). I have a hard time believing... 
Anyone Switch from Electrostatic/Planar to Dynamic
Thanks for FINALLY admitting the truth Tim : ) Sean>