
Responses from sean

Any way to shield a non-sheilded center channel ?
HAHAHAH.. I agree Glen : )Thanks for clarifying that Herman. Your analogy about metal shavings and magnet trick brought back old memories. Thanks for knocking some ( at least a small amount ) of sense back into me. Shutterbug, have you done the ob... 
spikes under a subwoofer ?
Good point : )The effects mentioned above should still be similar but possibly not quite as drastic. Sean> 
Which CDs to test a component?
Want to try "punishing" your amp and speakers ? Throw on a disc by Master entitled "Faith is in Season" and crank the volume. This will tell you how well a system ( speakers especially ) can hold up doing very fast, long excursions and still sound... 
Someone should kick me in the keester
I'm pretty sure that i can picture what it looks like from your description. It sounds as if you've created some type of inductive load with non-symetrical loading between the polarities. Due to the "loops" or "knots", the hot side would see a gre... 
Best Speaker cables on the cheap?
If your buddy thought that the AQ's lacked bass, DON'T buy the 4PR's. They will definitely come across as lean with a "zingy" top end. While this adds a certain amount of "clarity" and "attack" to music, it becomes fatiguing after a while.You migh... 
spikes under a subwoofer ?
I think that you're going to get BIG differences if the floor is suspended or not when using spikes. Directly coupling it to a suspended floor with spikes can REALLY excite the floor, especially when we are talking about a downloaded subwoofer. As... 
How do you determine how much to spend on speakers
Clueless, your comment "Some folks have suggested spending as little as $1,500 on speakers and IMHO that is sonic suicide" kicked me "square in the nuts" ( pardon my French ). This is especially true since i suggested appr $1250 on speakers !!!! I... 
How about those vibrapods under bookshelf speaker
KP, Bound For Sound is not like the other audio mags by any means. For one, it is a "labour of love" in that it is not owned or sponsored by any corporate entities. It is also just a "flyer" or "leaflet" type 'zine. No glossy covers or shiny pictu... 
Someone should kick me in the keester
Dekay, you have me REALLY confused. The way you described things, you have an interconnect that has a 60" center conductor with a 30" ground ??? If this is the case, either the center cable is coiled to equal the same distance as the other shorter... 
Any way to shield a non-sheilded center channel ?
Herman, i do not know about this specific aspect, but am throwing this out for you and others to comment on.I've always thought that lead was a great magnetic shield. If this is true, some type of lead based material SHOULD re-direct or block the ... 
Alpha Core Goertz......need recommendations
Here's a few observations based on my past experience. While i have not tried that specific combo of amps / speakers / cables, you might find it of some use. The reason that i asked about which Perreaux amp is in use is as follows. The 2150's that... 
Reference Ground Set-up?
Glen brings up a VERY good point. If you are going to isolate the grounds between your audio gear and the rest of your houe, you DO create a serious potential for danger / equipment damage if lightning or severe surges were to come in through your... 
Someone should kick me in the keester
Welcome to the "wire DOES make a difference with digital" club. I found this out simply out of necessity and kind of by mistake. I had purchased a DAC & Transport and thought i had a spare digital cable or two laying around. Well, when the gea... 
Alpha Core Goertz......need recommendations
Before i run my mouth, which Perreaux amp do you have ? I have owned ( still own ) several different Perreaux's and am quite familiar with their tonal balance. I also own several different models of Goertz speaker cables and have opinions on those... 
Question for users of bare wire ends speaker cable
Bomarc, as to "doing my science homework on on cable manufacturers websites", let me know when scientists know and can explain everything. Until then, i can stop learning all of this "dis-information" and get the REAL "edjamikashun" when all is sa...