
Responses from sean

Girl diagnoses & solves mechanical problem
SHEESH.... You never know where some of these things will end up or what ground will be covered getting there. Some near-miss "catfights", Angela and Albert telling "dirty" jokes, etc... I agree Craig, MUCH better than the name calling that we had... 
How about those vibrapods under bookshelf speaker
KP, there are MANY reviews that aren't favorable and some that even slag the hell out of products. You just have to read audio rags that don't take advertisine. Try taking a look at Bound for Sound, International Audio Review, etc... Sean> 
Will this kill an amp?
Jcbtubes is right on the money for a SS amp. Shunting the unused inputs and putting a load at the output would cover just about ANYTHING short of the amp itself malfunctioning. However, i would not recommend this for a tube amp. Had to mention thi... 
Do you drink when you listen?
All of this information has been duly noted and recorded. The appropriate officials have been notified : ) I don't "highten my senses" with anything during normal listening sessions at home. That is, unless Pepsi or 7UP count. My problem is that I... 
Question for users of bare wire ends speaker cable
Karls, stranded wire is a poorer conductor at ANY frequency. This has to due to with skin effect, stray capacitance, strand jumping, etc... You will find that the best audio cables and high frequency RF cables all use solid wire for very specific ... 
Girl diagnoses & solves mechanical problem
Sheesh. Maybe we are better off buying Pioneer and Sony. At least that stuff typically works when you take it out of the box. Thanks for the warning about quality control with "hi-end" gear. There apparently is none. As to Suzy's "been there, done... 
Does anyone know who makes/sells...
Stehno is right. You can buy the same thing at any big hardware or electrical supply house. These are MUCH cheaper to say the least. Unfortunately, the ceramic used is not "audiophile grade" : )These are called "cable hangers" or "wire hangers". T... 
Question for users of bare wire ends speaker cable
Karls, you state that all of the exposed copper is oxidized EXCEPT for where the actual crimp is making connection. Since "skin effect" is a common term used in wire / cable conversations, don't you think it would be better to treat and seal the e... 
Wingate 4000A
Vayasteve, nothing shows up under "Wingate" doing a search on Ebay in the electronics section nor does "nickyman" have one for sale. Did someone "buy it now" once you posted this info or were you thinking of another amp ? Sean> 
Songs & Artists NEVER HEARD on the RADIO?
Direct TV has quite a few different music channels that play a WIDE variety of music. Not only is there a great selection of music styles to choose from, whomever is selecting / organizing the program material seems to have a clue. While this is n... 
How do you determine how much to spend on speakers
A well balanced system is one that never strays too far from neutral, all the components work together as a team, the overall presentation is pleasant and there are minimal conflicts or weak spots that draw attention to themselves. All of this is ... 
FM antennae recommendations please?
No offense taken Sd. Testimonials from first hand users should always be welcome, regardless of whether or not they are all in agreement. After all, that is how we learn here i.e. comparing notes, experience and drawing conclusions from such. I am... 
Vandy Owner needs help
I would look into some of the offerings from Castle Acoustics. Very pleasant sounding and somewhat rich ala the Vandersteen sound. I was pretty impressed with the full but not bloated bottom end on these, especially given the size. Specifically, i... 
Songs & Artists NEVER HEARD on the RADIO?
The mass majority of music that i grew up listening to as a teenager and in my early twenties rarely made it to any radio station. I'm primarily talking about "glitter", "avant-garde", "new wave", "punk" and later "death metal". While much of this... 
How do you determine how much to spend on speakers
Whatjd, thanks for summing things up in a smooth and flowing manner. You said what i wanted to say... Sean>