
Responses from sean

How Do you hide/camouflage your rats nest?
I've gotten to the point that most of the cables are wired point to point with just enough slack to be safe. This keeps the installation SOOOO much neater, easier to trace and more organized looking. Rather than having a ton of cables draping acro... 
Nothing new under the sun?
Right now, i think that we are at a kind of "point of refinement". While the biggest changes are taking place in digital, the only area that i see making strides is in actual raw parts ( resistors, capacitors, etc... ) and in speakers. Most other ... 
subwoofer setup problem
I talked to my brother about TL's and his thoughts were that test data suggests an appr 6 dB per octave roll off. Obviously, this will vary with the specifics of each design. He commented that overall output levels are lower in efficiency than if ... 
tube amp/flutter in speakers?
Ghostrider, don't believe the old wives tale about transformers not passing DC. It's a lie. They will pass DC, just not anywhere near as effectively as they do AC. Sean> 
I am having technical problems w/ Audiogon-help
If you are having problems with your email, the thing to do would be to set up a temporary Hotmail or Yahoo account until you can get everything straightened out. It's always nice to have something to fall back on when things such as e-mail don't ... 
tube amp/flutter in speakers?
Just a note: For those that think that DC will cause a driver to throw forward and stay in that position, that is not necessarily correct. The DC level could be fluctuating up and down. As such, the driver would move forward, but could appear to "... 
Can I start some trouble?
I won't bother to comment on Bomarc's "less accurate than 12 gauge zip cord" comment as we've been there a million times before. I ask others to refrain from going there also as nobody needs to re-read or re-post all of the same comments over and ... 
analog gurus, please help, cartridge too light?
While this sounds like a VERY funky situation, you can always add mass if necessary. The key to doing so is to try and keep it as balanced and evenly distributed as possible. I know that Music Direct carries some type of tonearm wrap and there is ... 
Capacitance ?
That switch probably has to do with phono cartridge loading. As such, it should not affect the line section or any other input in the least. That is, if it is properly designed. Sean> 
subwoofer setup problem
Karls, please correct me if i'm wrong, but don't TL's ( transmission lines ) roll off at a different ( slower ) rate than a typical vented speaker ? I know that their characteristic resonance peaks respond VERY differently than a ported or passive... 
tube amp/flutter in speakers?
The amp is either oscillating at a very low frequency or passing DC. Both are signs of an amp in need of a thorough inspection and repair / re-alignment. I would advise against running the amps until you can fully diagnose the situation. Continuin... 
odyssey amp's how do they compare to others
Never heard one these amps but have seen raves and questions about them. I do know that Moncrieff of International Audio Review fame gave them a very tall thumbs up, especially for the cash involved. In case you're not familiar with J.Peter Moncri... 
Reduce Floor Vibration?? I live in an apartment.
My experience is to do the best that you can to minimize floor-born vibrations and NOT talk to the neighbors about it. Once you acknowledge that there is a potential for problems, they will be sure to let you know when they arise. Even if it isn't... 
Speaker rolloff? Trying to match my mains and sub.
Try reading some of the other subwoofer based threads that have taken place recently. You might gain some insight from those. Sean> 
tube amp/flutter in speakers?
Do the woofers move with the volume turned turned all the way down ? Sean>